
     Johnson and his father spent a hot summer day at the beach. When they arrived there in the morning, they started with a pleasant swim, since it was high tide and the water was deep enough for swimming. After that, they began to work on a sandcastle with many buildings and stairs leading to the high tower. Having finished their work, they stood back to admire the castle. It was terrific.
     While Johnson and his father were working on the sandcastle, the tide flowed back, leaving a world of tidal pools for them to look into. After lunch, they went from one shallow pool to the next, collecting seashells, snails, crabs, and shiny rocks.
     In the late afternoon, Johnson noticed that the tidal pools were filling back up again as the tide started to come in. They put together their sea treasures and brought them back to the shore. Then the tide became high again, and they went for another swim before they set out for home.

【題組】65.On that special day, how many times did they go for a swim?
(A) One.
(B) Two.
(C) Three.
(D) Four.






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