
Too often, people put things in the garbage without caring or realizing that throwing these things away may damage our environment. That is why we must remember the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.  Reducing the amount of waste is the best way to help the environment. We can start by doing things like buying products that don’t use a lot of packaging. We can also turn off our lights when we aren’t using them, and use less water when having a shower or washing the dishes.  Reusing things is also a great way to contribute to a cleaner Earth. For instance, we can use our own bags to bring home our groceries. And rather than throwing old toys away, we can donate them to families that can’t afford to buy new ones.  Recycling items that can be used over and over again is important as well. If we do not control where we put these items, they can be very bad for the environment. Plastic, glass, and metal can last for hundreds of years and can be dangerous if thrown carelessly away.  By following the three key factors for recycling:Reduce,reuse, and recycle, the world will be a better, cleaner, and saferplace.

【題組】44.Which is NOT one of the three Rs?
(A) Recycle
(B) Reuse
(C) Reduce
(D) Replace

