
第22〜31題為題組(20%) Hayao Miyazaki, a famous director of many popular animated films, co-founded Studio Ghibli along with Isao Talcaliata and Toshio Suzuki. He was almost unknown in the West 22 the release of Princess Mo no no ke in 1997. His later film,Spirited Away, went on to be the first animated film to ever win an Academy Award. Another film Howl's Moving Castle also won him much applause 23 it was nominated for an Academy Award but did not win. 24 from many perspectives, Miyazaki's films may well deserve the popularity and their claim to fame is worthy of note as follows. To begin with, his films are not only beautiful in style25 abundant in enchanting story plots. In addition, Miyazaki likes to address certain themes,26 the typical struggle between good and evil, environmentalism and politics, etc. He shows his constant concern for the environment or nature via the leading characters Mononoke and Nausicaa, appearing respectively in the films Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Interestingly, flight, in one form or 27 ,recurs in many of his films. From Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984) to the latest film, The Wind Rises (2013), Miyazaki has amazed the audience through the film protagonists’ connection with various flying vehicles. 28 , the roles he presents are true to life. In his films, the protagonists are usually strong, independent girls or young women, 29 the antagonists, different from common expectation, are topically uncertain in nature with redeeming qualities. It is these “humanizing touches” 30 always make Miyazaki 5s animated films impressive and have got Miyazald worldwide acclaim. After his recent film, The Wind Rises (2013),Miyazald was announced to retire; nevertheless, with the increasing popularity of his animated films, his 31 influence on the Studio Ghibli and the animation industry is sure to continue.
(A) until
(B) because
(C) after
(D) as a result of

