
V. Reading Comprehension (32%)
(A)It was only eight feet tall when pulled from the World Trade Center rubble in October 2011. Badly burned with only one branch surviving, the little pear tree was expected to die along with the more than 2000victims of the two airplanes used as bombs to bring down the mighty Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. However, by the next spring, the "survivor tree" showed signs of life. Today, it stands 30 feet tall in the rebuilt National September 11 Memorial and Museum complex in Manhattan, New York City. The hardy little tree has become a symbol of the human spirit, able to come back after an unmentionable tragedy.New Yorkers are known for their spirit. Within months of the September 11 attacks, plans were being drawn up to commemorate the first attack on American soil since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 60 years earlier. The memorial is basically a forest of trees with two square pools, each marking where the Twin Towers stood. Waterfalls were also constructed by the pools to drown out the noise from traffic. The area is meant to help visitors rest and contemplate. The design, named Reflecting Absence, speaks to this purpose. Construction was completed in time for the 10th anniversary of the terrorist event, dedicated on September 11, 2011. Within three months, more than one million visitors had seen it.The museum opened to the public on May 21, 2014. Like the memorial, it is dedicated to those who lost their lives on that fateful day, including not only those in the Twin Towers but those in the four aircraft who were hijacked and those who were killed on the ground, including many eyewitnesses. The museum offers to the public thousands of photographs and artifacts as well as over 500 hours of video. The memorial and museum are now on New York's must-see list. (12月教二)
【題組】48. What is the purpose of this article?
(A) To give a history of September 11, 2001.
(B) To recount the events leading to September 11, 2001.
(C) To introduce a new tourist site in New York City.
(D) To explain the meaning of the "survivor tree."

