
V. Reading comprehension (15%)    About half of the live dolphins caught in the Japanese coastal town of Taiji were exported to China and other countries despite global criticism of the hunting technique used, a news report has said. The so-called “drive hunt” method has been criticized overseas as cruel and Japanese zoos and aquariums were recently forced to vow not to buy animals caught with the controversial fishing.   All live dolphins are only supplied from Taiji which came to worldwide attention after the Oscar-winning 2009 documentary “The Cove” showed pods forced into a bay and slaughtered with knives, in a mass killing that turned the water red with blood. Some are captured alive and sold to aquariums, fetching about 1m yen (US$8,030) each.   Last month, Japan’s zoos and aquariums voted to stop using dolphins caught by the method, as demanded by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (Waza). The vote was prompted by Waza’s suspension of the Japanese chapter (Jaza) in April over the issue.Conservationists take World Association of Zoos and Aquariums to court for allegedly sanctioning a deal with fishermen in which dolphins were selected for capture.   Waza regards drive hunt fishing – where pods of cetaceans are herded into a bay by a wall of sound – as “cruel”, a charge local fishermen reject. Many of the dolphins are butchered for food, but campaigners claim there is insufficient demand for their relatively unpopular meat to make the hunt economically worthwhile. They charge that the high prices live animals fetch when sold to aquariums and dolphin shows is the only thing that sustains the hunt.
【題組】41. What is this article mainly about?
(A) The crisis of Japanese dolphins’ extinction.
(B) The thriving of dolphin trading in Japan.
(C) Japanese fishermen’s brutal way of dolphin hunting attracts international criticism.
(D) The way Japanese fishermen boost their international trading through dolphin hunting.

