
53~55)In a Peanuts cartoon(the cartoon of Snoopy and Charlie Brown), Lucy asks Charlie Brown, “Why do you think we were put on earth?”Charlie answers, “To make others happy.”Lucy answers, “I don’t think I’m making anyone happy,” and then adds(加上), “but nobody’s making me very happy as well. Somebody’s not doing his job!”People like Lucy are so sure happiness is a matter of getting something that they ask not what they can do for others but what others can and should do for them. They usually feel cheated. They always care about what they don’t have so that they can’t enjoy what they do have.What’s more, they don’t understand one of the best ways to be happy is to experience the joy and self-worth(自我價值) of making others happy.In his book Happiness Is a Serious Problem, Dennis Prager thinks that it’s human nature to feel we need more. The problem is, the need for more is endless because we can always add more to whatever we have. As a result, the Lucys of the world often live in an “if only” world that keeps them one step away from happiness: “If only I get this raise, make this sale, pay off my debts(負債), or win this game, I’ll be happy.”Abraham Lincoln understood that happiness is just a way of looking at one’s life: “A person can be as happy as he wants to be.”This way, we’re more likely to experience happiness if we understand that we shouldn’t just want to get what we want but to enjoy what we get.
【題組】54. What is the best title for the reading?
(A) Happiness is a choice.
(B) How to get what we want.
(C) The more, the better.
(D) Every dog has his day.

