
   You have to get older for that. For me this is all ____6____ memories that he doesn’t have. Cold mornings long ago when the marsh grass ___7____ brown and cattails were waving in the northwest wind. The pungent smell then was from muck stirred up by hip boots ___8___ we were getting in position for the sun to come up and the duck season to open. Or winters when the sloughs were frozen over and dead and I could walk across the ice and snow between the dead cattails and see _____9_______ gray skies and dead things and cold. The blackbirds ___10_____ then. But now in July they’re back and everything is at its alivest and every foot of these sloughs is humming and cricking and buzzing and chirping, a whole community of millions of living things living out their lives in a kind of benign continuum.
(A) hot on
(B) picked up
(C) mixed with
(D) looked for

