
4 9-50)Joe: Are you playing tennis with your mom on Saturday mornings?Lynn: Not anymore. She’s learning Chinese at that time.Joe: Really? Who’s she learning from?Lynn: Mei-Na. She’s a friend of my mom’s.Joe: Is your mom enjoying that?Lynn: Well, she doesn’t know many words yet. But she’s working hard at it.Joe: And she has a very good mind. That helps.Lynn: True.Joe: Maybe you and I can meet for tennis on Saturdays.Lynn: Great idea!Joe: But I can’t this Saturday. My friend is moving into a new apartment. And I’m helping him.Lynn: How about next Saturday?Joe: Yes, let’s do that!
【題組】49.What are both Joe and Lynn interested in?
(A)A job.
(B)A holiday.
(C)A ride.
(D)A sport.

