
【題組】56. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(A) High tea was served later in the day than afternoon tea in the nineteenth century.
(B) British people had tea breaks twice a day in the eighteenth century.
(C) Princess Catherine brought tea to England after visiting Portugal.
(D) The Earl of Sandwich started the afternoon tea ceremony






【評論內容】Tea, the most typical English drink, became established in Britain because of the influence of a foreign princess, Catherine of Braganza, the queen of Charles II. A lover of tea since her childhood in Portugal, she brought tea-drinking to the English royal court and set a trend for the beverage in the seventeenth century. The fashion soon spread beyond the circle of the nobility to the middle classes, and tea became a popular drink at the London coffee houses where people met to do business and discuss events of the day.茶—最經典的英式飲料—在英國開始盛行的原因,是受到異國公主 Catherineof Brag...