
四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】According to some authoritative anthropological studies in the last five decades, life expectancy of humanbeings was short for millennia. The few people who grew old were assumed, because of their years, to have wonthe favor of the gods. The typical person was fortunate to reach 40.Beginning in the 19th century, that slowly changed. Since 1840, life expectancy at birth has risen aboutthree months with each passing year. In 1840, life expectancy at birth in Sweden, a much-studied nation owing toits record-keeping, was 45 years for women; today it’s 83 years. The United States displays roughly the sametrend. When the 20th century began, life expectancy at birth in America was 47 years; now newborns areexpected to live 79 years. If about three months continue to be added with each passing year, by the middle ofthis century, American life expectancy at birth will be 88 years. By the end of the century, it will be 100 years.Viewed globally, the lengthening of life spans seems independent of any single, specific event. It didn’taccelerate much as antibiotics and vaccines became common. Nor did it retreat much during wars or diseaseoutbreaks. A graph of global life expectancy over time looks like an escalator rising smoothly. The trend holds, inmost years, in individual nations rich and poor; the whole world is riding the escalator.Projections of ever-longer life spans assume no incredible medical discoveries—rather, that the escalatorride simply continues. If anti-aging drugs or genetic therapies are found, the climb could accelerate. Centenariansmay become the norm, rather than rarities who generate a headline in the local newspaper.
【題組】21. In what style is the passage mainly written?
(A) Argumentative.
(B) Comparative.
(C) Expository.
(D) Procedural.






【評論內容】argumentation 議論文