
請依下文回答第 36 至 40 題:With human growing reliance on plastic for packaging and other uses, eight million tons of plastic are dumped in theocean annually. More than five trillion pieces of plastic have been 36 in the oceans, and the equivalent of onegarbage truck of plastic waste is being added to the sea every minute. The pieces of plastic 37 smaller pieces due toUV exposure and wave action. These tiny plastic particles are 38 end up in the food chain. The smallest ones, callednano-plastics, sink deep into the ocean and can end up in plankton. Larger pieces, known as micro-plastics, float in water andare eaten by fish, which then get eaten by “apex predators” higher up the food chain-- including humans. When humansconsume the fish, they consume the micro-plastics along with it. Research showed that the fish consuming micro-plasticsmay 39 internal injuries, malnutrition, reduced hatching rates, or a slow and painful death. Research also showed thatEuropean shellfish lovers consume up to 11,000 micro-plastics annually, and that the amount of plastic 40 from seafoodwill increase as plastic pollution in the ocean gets worse. What research hasn't proven yet is how dangerous this plasticconsumption might be.
(A) accelerating
(B) accommodating
(C) accomplishing
(D) accumulating






【評論內容】(C) accomplishing  完成 達到 使完美



【評論內容】(C) accomplishing  完成 達到 使完美