
(39~40) My friend, Sam, hates December. Can you guess why? He’s tall, quite fat and has a large beard. Yes! His boss always asks him to dress up as Santa Claus for the children’s party, and he hates being Santa Claus! Also some people call him Samta Claus and he really hates that too!  Sam looks unhappy. He really doesn’t want to be Santa Claus again this year. I then have an idea. “Sam,” I say, “I know your boss will ask you to be Santa Claus again. However, why not be Zenta Claus instead?”  Sam looks at me, surprised. “Who is Zenta Claus?” he asks. “Well, other people are also unhappy about Santa Claus and the buying of so many presents. In Japan, there is now another person. This person looks like Santa Claus, the same red and white costume and beard, but there is a big difference. He doesn’t give presents to children and he doesn’t make people buy lots of things.” “So what does Zenta do, then?” asks Sam. I explain, “Well, he sits quietly on the floor and thinks about how bad it is that everyone buys so many things they don’t need.” For the first time Sam is smiling. “This year, I’m Zenta Claus, not Santa Claus!” and then he laughs “Ho ho ho!!” 

beard 鬍鬚 instead 作為替代 explain 解釋

39.What does” that” mean?
(A)To dress up as Santa Claus.
(B) To go to children’s party.
(C) To be called Samta Claus.
(D)To give presents to children.

