
43 題至第 46 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複You have successfully passed through many phases of life, overcome many a hurdle in your long career,seen the ups and downs, and so on. 43 It should mean retiring from work, not life. It’s like changing from thefast lane to the slow one where the drive is far more relaxed, scenic, and pleasurable.44 It’s just another phase in one’s life. Recall the things about working you cringed at, like getting upearly no matter how you felt, meeting folks you didn’t want to, putting on the tie you felt would strangle you,and the like. Didn’t you always wish you could take a break from it all? 45 You should take it with the sameboldness you showed in the earlier phases.46 So, a major upheaval like retirement is bound to be followed by corollaries ranging from depression,irritability to a sense of displacement, and uselessness. Forbes once said that retirement kills more people thanhard work ever did. Yes, this is true if you decide to retire completely from life.
(A) Now it is the time to enter a new phase—Retirement.
(B) In earlier phases, most people have obligations to family and work.
(C) Change, for better or worse, is always accompanied by anxiety and some resistance.
(D) Once you adjust to this pace of life, you would not want to trade it for the pressure.

