
(A) relative to
(B) associated with
(C) considerate of
(D) counting on




【用戶】Maruko Lin





【評論內容】67. _____ spring coming, the flowers in the garden are in full bloom. (A) With (B) When (C) Once (D) As編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤



【評論內容】Such mistakes were 33 the rating agency’s unsophisticated understanding of toe U.S. political system. Leaving alone what the U.S. officials claimed,the top S&P official told Reuters that any changes in the calculations 34 into consideration(A) relative torelative to(對)to(對) 而言  是有關係的。Such mistakes were 33 relative to the rating agency’s unsophisticated understanding of toe U.S. political system.如此的錯誤根據評比的機構的 不夠了解美國的政治互鬥系統方面來判斷是有關的。relative to(對) 對象、情況= 比照對象、情況 而判斷是有關的。這樣的錯誤  to (對)to the rating agency’s...

【用戶】Maruko Lin





【評論內容】67. _____ spring coming, the flowers in the garden are in full bloom. (A) With (B) When (C) Once (D) As編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤



【評論內容】Such mistakes were 33 the rating agency’s unsophisticated understanding of toe U.S. political system. Leaving alone what the U.S. officials claimed,the top S&P official told Reuters that any changes in the calculations 34 into consideration(A) relative torelative to(對)to(對) 而言  是有關係的。Such mistakes were 33 relative to the rating agency’s unsophisticated understanding of toe U.S. political system.如此的錯誤根據評比的機構的 不夠了解美國的政治互鬥系統方面來判斷是有關的。relative to(對) 對象、情況= 比照對象、情況 而判斷是有關的。這樣的錯誤  to (對)to the rating agency’s...

【用戶】Maruko Lin





【評論內容】67. _____ spring coming, the flowers in the garden are in full bloom. (A) With (B) When (C) Once (D) As編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤



【評論內容】Such mistakes were 33 the rating agency’s unsophisticated understanding of toe U.S. political system. Leaving alone what the U.S. officials claimed,the top S&P official told Reuters that any changes in the calculations 34 into consideration(A) relative torelative to(對)to(對) 而言  是有關係的。Such mistakes were 33 relative to the rating agency’s unsophisticated understanding of toe U.S. political system.如此的錯誤根據評比的機構的 不夠了解美國的政治互鬥系統方面來判斷是有關的。relative to(對) 對象、情況= 比照對象、情況 而判斷是有關的。這樣的錯誤  to (對)to the rating agency’s...

【用戶】Maruko Lin





【評論內容】67. _____ spring coming, the flowers in the garden are in full bloom. (A) With (B) When (C) Once (D) As編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤



【評論內容】Such mistakes were 33 the rating agency’s unsophisticated understanding of toe U.S. political system. Leaving alone what the U.S. officials claimed,the top S&P official told Reuters that any changes in the calculations 34 into consideration(A) relative torelative to(對)to(對) 而言  是有關係的。Such mistakes were 33 relative to the rating agency’s unsophisticated understanding of toe U.S. political system.如此的錯誤根據評比的機構的 不夠了解美國的政治互鬥系統方面來判斷是有關的。relative to(對) 對象、情況= 比照對象、情況 而判斷是有關的。這樣的錯誤  to (對)to the rating agency’s...