
三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】第一篇:       Technology will allow homes in the future to be “smart.” Appliances will__31__with each other-andwith you. Your stove,__32__ , will tell you when your food is cooked and ready to eat. Refrigerators will suggestrecipes__33__ food items you already have. The technology is possible because of tiny information-storingdevices called RFID chips. People already use them to__34__pets and farm animals. Future RFID chips willstore information about all the items in your cabinets. For example, they will record the date that you boughteach item. __35__ devices will “read” this information using radio waves. When you need more food, yourcabinets will tell you to buy it.
(A) input
(B) communicate
(C) create
(D) imitate

