
________ parents run the risk of spoiling their children. It is difficult for them to take a firm line or to discipline their children.  
(A) Jovial
(B) Deficient
(C) Pessimistic
(D) Indulgent


統計:A(14),B(17),C(19),D(230),E(0) #




【評論內容】(A) Jovial天性快活的; 愉快的a jovial voice 愉快的聲音(B) Deficient有缺陷的; 有缺點的He is mentally deficient. 他有智力缺陷。不足的, 缺乏的[(+in)]an armchair theorist deficient in practical experience 缺乏實際經驗的空頭理論家(C) Pessimistic悲觀的This is too pessimistic a view. 這一觀點太悲觀了。(D) Indulgent縱容的; 放縱的; 溺愛的[(+to/with)]She is indulgent to her grandchildren. 她溺愛孫兒女。寬容的; 寬大的[(+of/towards)]He is indulgent towards his pupils. 他對學生很寬容。Mr. Green is indulgent of others' shortcomings. 格林先生對他人的缺點總是寬大為懷...



【評論內容】(A) Jovial天性快活的; 愉快的a jovial voice 愉快的聲音(B) Deficient有缺陷的; 有缺點的He is mentally deficient. 他有智力缺陷。不足的, 缺乏的[(+in)]an armchair theorist deficient in practical experience 缺乏實際經驗的空頭理論家(C) Pessimistic悲觀的This is too pessimistic a view. 這一觀點太悲觀了。(D) Indulgent縱容的; 放縱的; 溺愛的[(+to/with)]She is indulgent to her grandchildren. 她溺愛孫兒女。寬容的; 寬大的[(+of/towards)]He is indulgent towards his pupils. 他對學生很寬容。Mr. Green is indulgent of others' shortcomings. 格林先生對他人的缺點總是寬大為懷...