
    According to a recent poll, it’s becoming more difficult for books to compete against high-tech developments such as the Internet. 42 books more popular, publishers are trying everything from publishing more large-type books for aging readers 43 copying Hollywood and concentrating on sequels, spin-offs, and branding—linking books to movies and television. <br>    But David Rosenthal of Simon and Schuster predicts that books will have to find their own unique place in the market. He says that people will continue to buy books because books can be much more profound than television and the Internet. And there are times 44 reading electronically is simply impractical, for example when standing in a very crowded train. Rosenthal also predicts a better-made book, with great attention given to cover design and higher quality paper, emphasizing “the book as a sign of status and permanence.” 45 this may seem irrational in the twenty-first century, some people just like the way a book feels. <div><br></div><div>
(A) Make
(B) Making
(C) To make 
(D) In making 






【評論內容】To make books more popular, publishers are trying everything from…“To make books more popular”指出版商為達到某個目的 (讓書本更受歡迎更暢銷);英文常以to + v做此表示



【評論內容】原本題目:    According to a recent poll, it’s becoming more difficult for books to compete against high-tech developments such as the Internet. 42 books more popular, publishers are trying everything from publishing more large-type books for aging readers 43 copying Hollywood and concentrating on sequels, spin-offs, and branding—linking books to movies and television. <br    But David Rosenthal of Simon and Schuster predicts that books will have to find their own unique place in the market. He says that people will continue to buy books because books can be much more profound...

【用戶】Zoe Lo


【評論內容】To make books more popular, publishers are trying everything from….....看完整詳解



【評論內容】原本題目:    According to a recent poll, it’s becoming more difficult for books to compete against high-tech developments such as the Internet. 42 books more popular, publishers are trying everything from publishing more large-type books for aging readers 43 copying Hollywood and concentrating on sequels, spin-offs, and branding—linking books to movies and television. <br>    But David Rosenthal of Simon and Schuster predicts that books will have to find their own unique place in the market. He says that people will continue to buy books because books can be much more profound...



【評論內容】42 books more popular, publishers are trying everything from publishing more large-type books for