
As more and more people become concerned about the environment, businesses have started to look for ways to provide sustainable packaging for their products. However, there are many challenges in finding materials that are truly sustainable and can make a positive difference to the environment.Supporters of sustainable packaging want companies to use materials and methods that are completely friendly to the environment. For example, some businesses now use recycled paper packaging that can then be recycled again. Walmart, the world’s largest corporation, has begun grading its suppliers on their use of sustainable packaging. The store might even pay more for products that meet its guidelines.However, some environmentalists worry that the movement towards sustainable packaging does not go far enough. In addition to recycled products, supporters of sustainable packaging would like companies to choose materials that are made with the use of renewable energy sources. Many critics complained about the new plastic water bottle used by Poland Spring. Although the bottle is made with 30% less plastic than normal, it still takes enormous amounts of energy to make the plastic itself. Instead, environmentalists encourage people to drink tap water, which is widely available and requires no packaging.The movement towards completely sustainable packaging is still new and holds promise for many innovative developments. As consumers care more about protecting natural resources, companies should work harder to develop packaging that has few or no negative environmental impacts.
【題組】56. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) Protecting the Wildlife
(B) Packaging that Saves Money
(C) Sustainable Packaging
(D) Trash Recycling

