
四、閱讀測驗     The country mouse lived a peaceful life at home. One day, his cousin came to visit him from the city. He was very happy and brought the city mouse to visit different places on the farm. After they enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine, the country mouse took his cousin to get some food. When the cows were milked, the country mouse showed his cousin how to catch milk that splashed (濺出). He also showed his cousin how to collect corn from the ground when the chickens were fed. However, the city mouse told the country mouse that there was more delicious food in the city and invited him there.     A few days later, the country mouse went to the city happily with his cousin. At first, the country mouse thought city life was better because delicious food was everywhere and easy to find. Besides, the living conditions (條件) in the city were much better than those in the country. However, as time went by, he found out that there were more dangers in the city as well. Not only did the cats try to catch them, people also chased them with brooms (掃帚).     Soon the country mouse missed the peace and quietness of the farm. After visiting the city, the country mouse learned to love what he had. Even though it was more difficult to collect food in the country, he was safe and had larger living space there.     The story tells us that life can be different in a variety of places. Whether it is good or not depends on what we value. Most importantly, we should cherish (珍惜) what we have had.
【題組】41. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
(A) The living conditions of the country.
(B) A comparison between country life and city life.
(C) The colorful night life in the country.
(D) The peace and quietness of city life.

