
24. Max: I need you to help me arrange the annual meeting for next month. May: No problem. Who’ll be coming and where should we have the meeting? Max: You’ll need to talk to the manager and find out the details. May: Sure! ______
(A) The annual meeting has been put off till next year.
(B) The event won’t be able to bring in enough people.
(C) I find it challenging to rent a place for the camping.
(D) I’ll take care of everything for our company’s big event.






【評論內容】24. Max: I need you to help me arrange the annual meeting for next month. May: No problem. Who'll be coming and where should we have the meeting? Max: You'll need to talk to the manager and find out the details. May: Sure! ______(A) The annual meeting has been put off till next year.   -> 會舉辦 I need you to help me arrange the annual meeting for next month.  (B) The event won't be able to bring in enough people. -> 沒提到(C) I find it challenging to rent a place for camping. -> 經理已經有資料 推測已經有位置了 不需要在預約 You'll need to talk to the manager and find out the details.(D) I'll take care of everything for our company's big event. 



【評論內容】麥克斯:我需要你幫我安排下個月的年會。五月:沒問題。 誰會來,我們應該在哪裡開會?Max:你需要和經理談談,了解細節。梅:當然! ______(A) 年會已推遲到明年。(B) 活動將無法吸引足夠的人。(C) 我發現租一個露營地很困難。(D) 我會為我們公司的大型活動處理一切。