
(D)If you sail between Hawaii and California, you’ll find a big part of the ocean covered with garbage. Most of the trash comes from the land, by wind or by water, and some is thrown straight into the sea. Most of the trash is plastic: plastic bags, plastic cups, plastic cans, and a lot more.  Where does the trash go? The waves pushed some of it onto the beaches, but some just stays in the sea. Many seabirds and sea animals eat the trash in the sea and die. Some of them are lucky enough to survive, yet they may arrive on our dinner plate. Don’t forget those we throw away will all come back to us one way or another. So, if you remember what happens to trash, then you should look before you leap.  cover 覆蓋 survive存活 look before you leap 謀定而後動

【題組】39. What does the word those refer to ?
(A) The seabirds.
(B) The waves.
(C) The plates.
(D) The plastic.

