
五、閱讀測驗:20% Part A Dear Diary     I met my Net friend at a fast food restaurant. I was a little afraid because this was the first time I met someone I knew through the Net. I didn’t even know what the man looks like. I only knew he was an interesting man who enjoys telling jokes, writing, and singing. My classmates Louis and Gibson even told me not to go!     I still went to the restaurant at 11:00, thirty minutes earlier than our date, and waited nervously for my Net friend. Suddenly, one man who surprised me appeared! Wasn’t that my brother, Patrick? He was my Net friend.! I’ve never known he is such a man! He told me that he was scared I would be hurt by strangers, so he made friends with me on the Net. I was too surprised to say anything at first, but later we had a great time talking about music, movies, and basketball which are my favorite subjects. That was one of the best moments that we have ever had.                                                                   Connie
【題組】26) What doesn’t Connie’s Net friend like doing?
(A) Telling jokes.
(B) Writing.
(C) Watching movies.
(D) Singing.

