
I prefer reading magazines ___________.
(A)to playing chess
(B)to play chess
(C)to be played chess
(D)for playing chess




【用戶】Hsu Baleng


【評論內容】prefer A to B  在本句型中,A與B是平行結構,可以是名詞,也可以都是動名詞

【用戶】Ericka Tsao


【評論內容】★★☆★★☆ Prefer 的用法 ★★☆★★☆Prefer的用法其實就這兩大類而已(1) Prefer A to B 跟B比起來比較喜歡A(這個to是介係詞 介係詞 介係詞 介係詞 介係詞)A跟B可用 N. or Ving (動名詞)例) I prefer playing baseball to playing basketball. (比較喜歡打棒球)例) I prefer Paris to London. (比較喜歡巴黎)(2) S. prefer to V. 後面加 either "instead of Ving" or "rather than V."例) I prefer to play baseball instead of (=in lieu of) playing basketball.= I prefer to play baseball rather than play basketball.https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderWangEnglish/posts/37585958253328...



【評論內容】Prefer A to B +Ving

【用戶】Hsu Baleng


【評論內容】prefer A to B  在本句型中,A與B是平行結構,可以是名詞,也可以都是動名詞http:/.....看完整詳解

【用戶】Ericka Tsao


【評論內容】★★☆★★☆ Prefer 的用法 ★★☆★★☆Prefer的用法其實就這兩大類而已(1) Prefer A to B 跟B比起來比較喜歡A(這個to是介係詞 介係詞 介係詞 介係詞 介係詞)A跟B可用 N. or Ving (動名詞)例) I prefer playing baseball to playing basketball. (比較喜歡打棒球)例) I prefer Paris to London. (比較喜歡巴黎)(2) S. prefer to V. 後面加 either "instead of Ving" or "rather than V."例) I prefer to play baseball instead of (=in lieu of) playing basketball.= I prefer to play baseball rather than play basketball.https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderWangEnglish/posts/37585958253328...



【評論內容】Prefer A to B +Ving



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