
三、克漏字選擇 (20%) Tom: What acute dog! How old is he?
Mia: He’s twomonths old and his name is Xavier.Tom: (46) Mia: X-a-v-i-e-r. I love it very much.Tom: How often do you give him a bath?Mia: Every day. He sleeps with me, so (47) Tom: Really? That’s not good for the dog. Once a month is enough.Mia: (48) You sure know a lot about dogs. Thanks for telling me that.Tom: By the way, let’s walk him to the park now.Mia: Let me see. (49) hot and sunny now?Tom: No, the weather report says it’s windy today.Mia: OK. Xavier likes to catch a frisbee (50) windy days.

(A)How often do you walk him?
(B)How much food can he eat?
(C)How long is his white hair?
(D)How do you spell his name?

