
Dear Ann,
       I feel sad and angry these days, so I want to ask for your help.
       It’s about my classmate, Susan. I invited her to stay at my home last weekend, and we had a good time together. However, after Susan left, I noticed a book of mine was missing. When I talked to Susan about   it   on Monday, she said, “I have no idea. Why do you ask me about this?” Last night, I found that one of my favorite skirts was also gone. It was in the closet of the guest bedroom before Susan stayed there for the weekend. What should I do? Should I ask Susan about this again? My mom told me to forget about it, but I couldn’t. Please tell me what I can do.
 A sad girl,
Dear Erica,
      I know you feel sad about this. I think you can tell Susan you are looking for that skirt and book again. Just ask her if she accidentally packed them when she left. If she still doesn’t want to talk about it, just trust her and forget it. Your mom is right. Sometimes forgiving others is the best way.

■closet 衣櫃     guest 賓客   accidentally  不小心地    forgive 原諒   suggest 建議

【題組】48. What does “it” mean in the letter?
(A) One of Erica’s books.
(B) One of Erica’s skirts.
(C) One of Susan’s books.
(D) One of Susan’s skirts.






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...