
3. If there is an explosion, you should leave the building as quickly as possible. Do not stop to ________  personalpossessions or make phone calls.
(A) retrieve
(B) retrace
(C) retreat
(D) retract






【評論內容】(A) retrieve 檢索(B) retrace 回溯(C) retreat 撤退(D) retract 縮回



【評論內容】(A) retrieve 檢索(B) retrace 回溯(C) retreat 撤退(D) retract 縮回



【評論內容】If there is an explo☆☆☆☆, ☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】(A) retrieve 檢索(B) retrace 回溯(C) retreat 撤退(D) retract 縮回



【評論內容】If there is an explo☆☆☆☆, ☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】(A) retrieve 檢索(B) retrace 回溯(C) retreat 撤退(D) retract 縮回

【用戶】專功英文(Line: en


【評論內容】如果發生爆炸, 你要儘快離開該建築物.不要去取回私人財物或打電話. If there is an explosion, you should leave the building as quickly as possible.Do not stop to ________  personalpossessions or make phone calls.(A) retrieve (v)取回; 檢索(B) retrace (v)追溯; 回憶(C) retreat (v) 後退(D) retract (v) 撤銷; 收回 explosion (n)爆炸(案)personal belongings 個人物品personal possessions 私人財物makea phone call 打電話Quizlet 單字發音及測驗:https://quizlet.com/tw/602557818/%E5%B0%88%E5%8A%9F%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87-110%E5%B9%B4%E8%AD%A6%E5%B0%88%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%89%E9%A1%8C-f...



【評論內容】If there is an explosion, you should leave the building as quickly as possible. Do not stop to retrieve  personal possessions or make phone calls.如果發生爆炸,你應該盡快離開大樓。不要去取回個人物品或打電話。(A) retrieve 找回;取回;挽回(B) retrace 沿原路返回;回憶;追溯(C) retreat 退卻;撤退;後退(D) retract 撤銷;撤回;收回