
Apple bobbing is a game that children like to play on Halloween. Parents fill a large basin with a lot of water and put apples in it. Children need to catch one with their teeth, not with their hands. Players need to hold the basin with their both hands or place their hands behind their back to prevent from cheating.The game is not as popular as it was before because parents may think it unsanitary. Children may get sick because the water gets dirty easily after so many kids keep their mouths open and try to catch apples in it. However, apple bobbing has its other attractions. It is said that if you get the apple first in the group, you will be the first to get married. And if girls put the apple they get under their pillows, they would dream of their future husband. Isn’t it interesting?*apple bobbing 咬蘋果 basin 盆 prevent 避免 pillow 枕頭 attraction 吸引力
【題組】4.How do children catch apples in the basin?
(A) With their heads.
(B) With their mouths.
(C) With their hands.
(D) With their feet.

