
▲閱讀下文,回答第 31-35 題Last week, our Social Work Club at school did a really good thing. We made cookies, cakes,and sandwiches and sold them in our school gymnasium. All the money from the salewas given to children who do not have parents. Their school needed a new TV. We earnedNT$22,000 from the sale and them buy a new one. Some of the club memberswent to the school to deliver the money. We played with the children all day. They were so happyto see us. We played games and helped them with their math and Chinese. Seeing howthey were really touched my heart. My father used to tell me: “To give is better than to receive.”I never really understood that last week. Helping others makes us feel satisfiedand meaningful. I am looking to our next club activity!
(A) earned
(B) earning
(C) earns
(D) earn

