
IV Blank Filling 15% Smartphones have many benefits. According to some reports, people check their smartphones __36__ 150 times a day. That’s a lot of looking at your phone, considering it’s __37__ done for no practical goal. However, breaking smartphone addiction can be __38__, so here are some helpful tips. It is a good idea to __39__ social media application notifications. This way, your phone won’t buzz every time you receive a message on Facebook or Line. If this method does not __40__ you from reaching for your phone, then try uninstalling those apps. Another idea is to establish a time limit for __41__ Internet surfing on your smartphone, which lets you regain control of your time and be more__42__. To avoid __43__, a bad habit caused by smartphone addiction, create smartphone-free zones with your friends and family. Furthermore, make good use of many apps that can alert users __44__ excessive smartphone use, and then you are likely to use your time__45__. 


