【評論主題】39 If you don’t speak clearly and loudly, you can’t make yourself _____ by the audience.(A) understa




1.  make + 受詞O + 原形動詞:表示主動語態

2.  make + O + 過去分詞p.p.:表示被動語態

3.  make + O + 現在分詞:表示現在進行語態

【評論主題】It is widely known that bungee jumping is one of the most thrilling forms of ___.(A) nutrition(B) ex

【評論內容】exaggeration  誇張, 誇大

【評論主題】One of the greatest concerns of the government is the abrupt rise of the unemployment rate, which mi

【評論內容】(A)recessions 後退; 退回 (B)reactions  反應, 感應(C)reservations  保留(意見); 異議 (D)recreations 消遣; 娛樂, 遊戲

【評論主題】32 He moved to the countryside as soon as he retired. However, he found himself unable to ______ to

【評論內容】(A) 起作用; 適用  (B)調節; 改變...以適應 (C)呼籲, 懇求 (D)合計, 共計

【評論主題】【題組】(12) 333×(-13)+167×(-13)=______ 。

【評論內容】(D) 注意; 察覺

【評論主題】【題組】(2) 三角形ABC的面積為?(1分)

【評論內容】也可以用Having 動名詞當主詞, Having  a new house on the beach 為主詞 用Have文法不通,這句沒辦法以動詞來使用