【評論主題】The Japanese economy is so ___ that while it might stagger, it could absorb the earthquake's bl

【評論內容】resilient  (a.)迅速恢復精力的

【評論主題】Scientists have made great efforts in developing a treatment that could somehow stop Alzheimer'


惡化, 變壞; 退化; 墮落[U]

【評論主題】The young man's ___ smile won him everyone's trust. (A) ingenious (B) ingenuous (C) ingrai

【評論內容】ingenuous ≒ innocent ≒ naive 無邪的

【評論主題】The ______ was arrested for selling fake drugs. The prosecutor charged the quack with violation of m


surrogate代理者; 代理人 

incumbent.現任者, 在職者

【評論主題】I just _______ in photography as an amateur rather than acquire expertise as a professional.(A) babb


dabble涉獵, 淺嘗; 涉足[(+at/in)] 

 ramble .閒逛; 漫步 

【評論主題】The secretary never fails to plan and arrange her boss’s schedule ______ and efficiently.(A) meticul

【評論內容】meticulously :

極注意地, 極細心地, 一絲不苟地

【評論主題】He is such a ______, contemptuous braggart that he takes delight in downplaying others.(A) reverbera

【評論內容】supercilious 高傲的; 輕蔑的

【評論主題】The ______ was arrested for selling fake drugs. The prosecutor charged the quack with violation of m


charlatan .吹牛的人,江湖醫生

emissary 間諜,密使

【評論主題】I have an instinctive _______ that some catastrophe is impending.(A) precursor (B) predicament (C) p

【評論內容】impending.即將發生的; 逼近的

【評論主題】Tired of wearing contacts, the girl decided to have ____ laser eye surgery done.(A) innovative(B) in

【評論內容】innovative laser eye surgery 新型的雷射近視手術

【評論主題】The employee should have the _______ and insolence to reprimand his supervisor in the presence of al


endorse 在(發票、票據等)背面簽名, 背書; 簽署...

【評論主題】____ no circumstances are you to leave the room.(A) From(B) Under(C) On(D) With

【評論內容】Under no circumstances

【評論主題】Wise teachers avoid _____ rules against the students.(A) auspicious (B) affined (C) invidious (D) fa

【評論內容】招致不滿的, 惹人不快的

【評論主題】Men ____ the whole country looking for the lost child.(A) fetched (B) reflected (C) scoured (D) pier

【評論內容】scour 擦淨; 擦亮; 洗滌; 急速穿過; 走遍(某地)搜索

【評論主題】【題組】20.(A) draughts (B) rains (C) noises (D) sunbeams


【評論主題】The modern time traveler transported back to the late middle ages might be particularly struck by th

【評論內容】junction連接, 接合, 匯合

【評論主題】You cannot be always fully prepared for everything; sometimes you have to _____.(A) enunciate (B) im

【評論內容】 improvise

即興創作(詩歌、樂曲等); 即興表演(或朗誦等)

【評論主題】【題組】What is the major concern of the 2nd paragraph?(A)The out-of-the-way places of the earth(B) The


不疲倦的; 不屈不撓的[Z]

【評論主題】【題組】17.(A) archaeological (B) biological (C) psychological (D) theological

【評論內容】 archaeological


【評論主題】This year’s two-month-long festival will _____ the city with art, concerts, andstreet parades.(A) co


suffuse 遍佈...; 充滿

confer 給予, 賦予

【評論主題】Some disappointing global data and mixed domestic economic reports createduneasiness among traders,

【評論內容】tenaciously堅持地; 頑強地

【評論主題】Possession of wealth that was not _____ with one's earnings has been criminalizedunder the new

【評論內容】superfluous 過剩的; 多餘的, 不必要 commensurate 同量的; 相稱的

【評論主題】The player could not _____ anything beyond being on the court, a career his familydiscouraged and wh

【評論內容】envisage 想像, 設想sustain 支撐; 承受, 承擔

【評論主題】茗堂四夢牡丹亭是 (A)雜劇 (B)院本 (C)崑劇 (D)傳奇小說 。

【評論內容】茗堂四夢牡丹亭 崑劇




【評論內容】涵化 異文化交流的過程中,某一個團體採用另一個團體全部或部分的文化而形成新文化





【評論主題】6. Balanced diet and regular exercise lead to good blood circulation and _______.(A) malfeasance (B)

【評論內容】me.tab.o.lism <<名詞『生物』代謝作用, 新陳代謝

【評論主題】3. Some people are quite _______ about the society; they hold a hostile attitude toward it.(A) cynic


hostile敵人的, 敵方的

cyn.i.cal  <<形容詞1 憤世嫉俗的; 諷世的

【評論主題】2. I am rather _______ about their professed sympathy for the poor; I doubt it.(A) pragmatic (B) dog

【評論內容】skeptical KK [ˋskɛptɪk!] DJ [ˋskeptikəl] 1. 懷疑論的, 不可知論的





【評論主題】14. The reason why quarrels arise is because our desires ____ with those of others.(A) conflict (B)


(D) concord  一致, 協調; (國際的)和睦[U]


【評論主題】14. The reason why quarrels arise is because our desires ____ with those of others.(A) conflict (B)

【評論內容】(C) confine 限制; 使局限[(+to)]

【評論主題】14. The reason why quarrels arise is because our desires ____ with those of others.(A) conflict (B)

【評論內容】(B) confront 迎面遇到; 面臨; 遭遇

【評論主題】44. For the middle-aged men, croquet ______ more popular than tennis in just the last few years.(A)


槌球戲; 循環球戲

【評論主題】41. Mom urged us _____ at the stop.(A) waiting (B) to wait (C) of waiting (D) wait

【評論內容】vt. 及物動詞變化形 urged; urged; urging;

催促; 力勸; 激勵; 慫恿[O2]

They urged us to go at once. 他們催促我們馬上去。

極力主張; 強烈要求[(+on)][+that]

My friends urged that I (should) apply for the job. 朋友們力勸我申請那份工作。

He urged that they go to New York. 他極力主張他們去紐約。

The people in that country urged independence. 那個國家的人民要求獨立。

推進; 驅策[O]

We urged the school team on with loud cheers. 我們大聲助威, 激勵校隊拼搏。

vi. 不及物動詞變化形 urged; urged; urging;

極力主張; 強烈要求

The citizens urged for the construction of a new hospital. 市民們強烈要求建...

【評論主題】9. Daniel would "stop at nothing" to get what he wants.(A)do anything (B) finish nothing (

【評論內容】stop at nothing =do anything

【評論主題】6. The police raided night clubs at the downtown, detaining those who were ____ of taking drugs.(A)

【評論內容】(C) suspected

有嫌疑的; 被懷疑可能存在的

【評論主題】Which of the following is a feature of Communicative Language Teaching? (A) Native-speaker-like pron

【評論內容】 contextualized把(字詞、意念等)放在上下文中考慮