【評論主題】44. The success of extensive reading depends largely on _______ students to read. Toawaken or encour


(A) maroon

n. 名詞

1. 逃亡黑奴2. 被放逐到孤島的人;孤立無援的人

vt. 及物動詞

1. 把……放逐到無人島上;使孤立無援

vi. 不及物動詞

1. 帶帳篷旅行2. 闖蕩;閒逛補充: ostracize(v.)放逐




entice (v.) 較正面用法

She enticed me to go on a date with her.

lure (v.) 較負面用法

The hunters lured a bear in before killing him. 

tempt (v.)較負面用法

Satan tempted Eve to eat the apple.



【評論主題】42. Two wonderful inventions, the microscope and the telescope had begun to reveal thatnature in mor


 pretentious (adj.)自命不凡的

extravagant (adj.)

exorbitant (adj.)


The conditions of this house are very satisfying to me, but its price is exorbitant. 這棟房子的條件非常令我滿意,但價格實在過高了。

【評論主題】7. Many prominent scientists consider extraterrestrial life to be _____ because many planets in the


【評論主題】44. A successful candidate will do his or her utmost to ________ voters of both sexes.(A) woo (B) wa


(A) woo


def: seek someone's favor有討好吸引人的意思


When you woo someone, you are being charming because you think that it will make them love you more.




def: stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of


If you watch cop shows, you know that a warrant is something police need to get into your house — a permission slip from a judge.




【評論主題】The world’s forests are gradually shrinking, especially in poorer countries. Thisunfortunate situati


【評論主題】79.「係藉高尚人格使人認同而取得的權力」是指下列哪一項權力?(A)法職權 (B)強制權 (C)參照權 (D)專家權

【評論內容】C)參照權(Referent Power) - 領導者以其人格而受他人的認同與讚賞。D)專家權(Expert Power) - 領導者藉其在某些特定事件上所具有的專門知識影響他人。