【評論主題】If we don't ___ experiment's step, it will be bomb right away!!!(A) mobile (B) modify (C)

【評論內容】If we don't modify experiment's step, it will be bomb right away!!!如果我們不改變實驗的步驟,他將會立刻爆炸。(A) 可動的 ; 多變的 (a.)。汽車 (n.)(B) 修改 ; 減輕 (v.)(C) 形式的 ; 語氣的 ; 典型的 (a.)(D) 現代的 (a.)。現代人 (n.)

【評論主題】His fortune will _________ to a few hundred pounds. (A) differentiate(B) demonstrate(C) demand(D) dw

【評論內容】His fortune will dwindle to a few hundred pounds.

【評論主題】It is against the law to __________ money.(A)counterfeiting(B) digress(C) cornered(D)counterfeit

【評論內容】It is against the law to counterfeit money.

【評論主題】The police caught the man trying to __________ someone else's signature on the check.delegate(A

【評論內容】(A) (n.) 角落。 (v.) 限於絕境 ; 轉彎。 (a.) 在角落的(B) (n.) 矯揉造作 ; 怪癖

【評論主題】We __________ with the landlord about the rent.(A) decentralized(B) negotiated(C)merit(D)division

【評論內容】We negotiated with the landlord about the rent.

【評論主題】The hotel is located near several major corporate __________ and is especially handy for business tr


The hotel is located near several major corporateheadquarters and is especially handy for business travelers.



handy (a.) 手邊的, 近便的 [ +for ] ; 便於使用的 ; 手巧的 [ +with ](A) (a.) 管理人的 ; 管理方面的(B) headquarters (n.) 總部, 總公司       headquarter (v.) 【口】設立總部 ; 將...總部設立於(C) (n.) (公司等的)合併 [ +between / of / with ](D) (n.) 優點

【評論主題】The discussion caused __________ in the church.(A)monopoly(B) division(C)empower(D)negotiated

【評論內容】The discussion caused division in the church.

【評論主題】The new law __________ the police to search private houses.(A) empowered(B) launder(C)downsize(D)mer

【評論內容】The new law empowered the police to search private houses.

【評論主題】提高(n.)(A) confidential(B) enhancement(C) disregard(D) infringe

【評論內容】(A) 信任的 ; 秘密的 (a.)(C) 不理會 ; 不尊重 (vt.)(D) 違反 (vt.) ; 侵犯 (vi.) [+on/upon]

【評論主題】不合法地(adv.)(A) distribute(B) attribute(C) illegal(D) illegally

【評論內容】(A) 分配 [+to/among] ; 分佈 [+over] ; 分 [+into] (vt.)(B) 把...歸咎於 (vt.) [+to](C) 不合法的 (a.) 。非法移民 ; 間諜 (n.)

【評論主題】淘汰(v.)(A) enthusiasm(B) eliminate(C) illustrate(D) commence

【評論內容】(A) 熱心, 熱情, 熱忱 (n.) [+for/about](B) 排除, 消除, 消滅 ; 淘汰 (vt.) [+from](C) 說明 ; 圖解(D) 開始, 著手 (vt.) [+V-ing/to V]

【評論主題】Newcomers can't expect to gain the favor of the department supervisor if they are _____ from im


Newcomers can't expect to gain the favor of the department supervisor if they are absent from important staffmeetings.



(A) 缺席的 ; 不在場的 (a.) [+from](B) 知道的 ; 察覺的 (a.)(C) 大量的 ; 豐富的 (a.) [+in](D) 受到讚揚的 (a.)

【評論主題】Some investors were upset that the company's executives were _____ with large bonuses despite t


Some investors were upset that the company's executives were rewarded with large bonuses despite the poor performance of their newestproduct lines.



(A) (v.) 複審 ; 評論 ; 回憶 ; 複習(B) (a.) 被送回來的 ; 歸來的 ; 回國的(C) (vt.) 報答 , 獎勵 ; 報應 , 懲罰(D) (a.) 有關的 ; 相關的 ; 敘述的