【評論主題】39. This bookshelf is __________ wood.(A) making from(B) made of(C) making of(D) made from

【評論內容】made of跟made from的差別       1.用外形的變化來區分made from和made of的不同         .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】27. A (An) _________ is a daughter of one’s brother or sister.(A) niece(B) cousin(C) nephew(D) aunt

【評論內容】niece  [ni:s] n.侄女,甥女cousin  [ˈkʌzən] n.堂(或.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】26. Stamp collecting is one of the world’s most popular indoor __________.(A) hazards(B) habits(C) h

【評論內容】hazard  [ˈhæzəd] n.危險,公害 vt.嘗試著做;冒…風險habit  [ˈhæbit] n.習慣,.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】43 (A) on the scene(B) for a while(C) in a row(D) under siege

【評論內容】for a while 暫時under siege 被包圍

【評論主題】Good quality dogs have ___ to their masters.(A) destiny(B) loyalty(C) diameter(D) episode

【評論內容】destiny  [ˈdestini] n.命運;定數,天命loyalty  ['lɔiəlti]   n.忠誠, 忠心, 忠貞d.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】My father admonished me not to be a ___ potato, adding that watching too much TV would lower one

【評論內容】admonish  [əd'mɔniʃ]   vt.警告, 訓誡, 告誡, 提醒, 敦促couch potato  ['kautʃ pəˌteitəu]   整天坐.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】Her ___ towards friends is cold.(A) altitude(B) aptitude(C) attitude(D) gratitude

【評論內容】altitude  ['æltitju:d]   n.高度, 海拔, 高地aptitude  ['æptitju:d.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】We shouldn't let pleasure ___ with business.(A) interfere(B) interrupt(C) intercept(D) interfus

【評論內容】interfere [ˌintə'fiə]

【評論主題】The ___ opinion is against the new policy.(A) generate(B) general(C) gentle(D) generous

【評論內容】generous ['dʒenərəs]

【評論主題】The young man got the job simply because his father was on ___ terms with the manager of the company

【評論內容】intentional [in'tenʃənəl]

【評論主題】I ___ the cost of our new house at NT$10,000,000.(A) intimate(B) imitate(C) estate(D) estimate

【評論內容】intimate ['intimeit,'intimit]

【評論主題】The President's speech was so enjoyable that it was ___ constantly by applause.(A) inspired(B)

【評論內容】enjoyable [in'dʒɔiəbl]

【評論主題】An efficient engine is ___ with fuel.(A) economic(B) economical(C) economics(D) economize

【評論內容】economic [ˌi:kə'nɔmik]

【評論主題】The Mexican woman who was denied the job opportunity was believed to be a victim of_____against both

【評論內容】victim  ['viktim]   n.受害者, 受騙者, 犧牲race  [reis]   n.賽跑, 競爭 n.人種, 種族, 血統 v.賽跑, 競賽temptation  [temp'teiʃən]   n.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】The criminal was ___ by his guilty conscience.(A) hurt(B) haunted(C) hunted(D) halted

【評論內容】criminal ['kriminəl]

【評論主題】The government has decided to take a series of measures to help____the wildlife native to our land.(

【評論內容】conceal  [kən'si:l]   vt.隱藏, 隱瞞, 掩蓋conceive  [kən'si:v]   v.設想, 想出, 懷孕condemn  [kən'de.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】43 (A) on the scene(B) for a while(C) in a row(D) under siege

【評論內容】for a while 暫時under siege 被包圍

【評論主題】39. This bookshelf is __________ wood.(A) making from(B) made of(C) making of(D) made from

【評論內容】made of跟made from的差別       1.用外形的變化來區分made from和made of的不同         .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】34. To __________ mail delivery services, the post office urges mailers to use zipcodes for all of t

【評論內容】urge  [ə:dʒ] vt.鼓勵;強烈要求;力勸 n.強烈的欲望correspondence  [ˌkɔriˈspɔndəns] n.信件;通信(聯系);.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】29. To protect intellectual property rights, we should not buy _________ products.(A) real(B) fake(C

【評論內容】bake  [beik] v.烘,焙,烤fade  [.....

【評論主題】27. A (An) _________ is a daughter of one’s brother or sister.(A) niece(B) cousin(C) nephew(D) aunt

【評論內容】niece  [ni:s] n.侄女,甥女cousin  [ˈkʌzən] n.堂(或.....

【評論主題】26. Stamp collecting is one of the world’s most popular indoor __________.(A) hazards(B) habits(C) h

【評論內容】hazard  [ˈhæzəd] n.危險,公害 vt.嘗試著做;冒…風險habit  [ˈhæbit] n.習慣,.....

【評論主題】The young man got the job simply because his father was on ___ terms with the manager of the company

【評論內容】intentional [in'tenʃənəl]

【評論主題】I ___ the cost of our new house at NT$10,000,000.(A) intimate(B) imitate(C) estate(D) estimate

【評論內容】intimate ['intimeit,'intimit]

【評論主題】The President's speech was so enjoyable that it was ___ constantly by applause.(A) inspired(B)

【評論內容】enjoyable [in'dʒɔiəbl]

【評論主題】Jack has the ability to ___ people to follow him.(A) inspire(B) insist(C) inspect(D) install

【評論內容】inspire  [in'spair]   vt.鼓舞, 激發, 產生, 賦予......看完整詳解

【評論主題】She is a proponent of women's ___.(A) grief(B) liberation(C) statue(D) consideration

【評論內容】proponent [prə'pəunənt]

【評論主題】An efficient engine is ___ with fuel.(A) economic(B) economical(C) economics(D) economize

【評論內容】economic [ˌi:kə'nɔmik]

【評論主題】Carol ___ the bugs in her apartment. She killed them all.(A) exterminated(B) experienced(C) experime

【評論內容】exterminate  [eks'tə:mineit]   vt.消滅, 撲滅, 根絕express  [iks'pre.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】Good quality dogs have ___ to their masters.(A) destiny(B) loyalty(C) diameter(D) episode

【評論內容】destiny  [ˈdestini] n.命運;定數,天命loyalty  ['lɔiəlti]   n.忠誠, 忠心, 忠貞d.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】My father admonished me not to be a ___ potato, adding that watching too much TV would lower one

【評論內容】admonish  [əd'mɔniʃ]   vt.警告, 訓誡, 告誡, 提醒, 敦促couch potato  ['kautʃ pəˌteitəu]   整天坐.....

【評論主題】Her ___ towards friends is cold.(A) altitude(B) aptitude(C) attitude(D) gratitude

【評論內容】altitude  ['æltitju:d]   n.高度, 海拔, 高地aptitude  ['æptitju:d.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】We shouldn't let pleasure ___ with business.(A) interfere(B) interrupt(C) intercept(D) interfus

【評論內容】interfere [ˌintə'fiə]

【評論主題】The ___ opinion is against the new policy.(A) generate(B) general(C) gentle(D) generous

【評論內容】generous ['dʒenərəs]

【評論主題】The Mexican woman who was denied the job opportunity was believed to be a victim of_____against both

【評論內容】victim  ['viktim]   n.受害者, 受騙者, 犧牲race  [reis]   n.賽跑, 競爭 n.人種, 種族, 血統 v.賽跑, 競賽temptation  [temp'teiʃən]   n.....

【評論主題】If we impose a heavy_____on littering, no one will dare to throw away their garbage at will.(A) char

【評論內容】impose  [im'pəuz]   v.強加, 課征, 強迫,征收(稅款)obstacle  ['ɔbstəkl]   n.障礙, 絆腳石rep.....

【評論主題】The government has decided to take a series of measures to help____the wildlife native to our land.(

【評論內容】conceal  [kən'si:l]   vt.隱藏, 隱瞞, 掩蓋conceive  [kən'si:v]   v.設想, 想出, 懷孕condemn  [kən'de.....

【評論主題】【題組】43 (A) on the scene(B) for a while(C) in a row(D) under siege

【評論內容】for a while 暫時under siege 被包圍

【評論主題】39. This bookshelf is __________ wood.(A) making from(B) made of(C) making of(D) made from

【評論內容】made of跟made from的差別 1.用外形的變化來區分made from和made of的不同 a)be made of是物理變化(外形沒改變) b)be made from是化學變化(外形改變)

【評論主題】The President's speech was so enjoyable that it was ___ constantly by applause.(A) inspired(B)

【評論內容】enjoyable [in'dʒɔiəbl]

【評論主題】The young man got the job simply because his father was on ___ terms with the manager of the company

【評論內容】intentional [in'tenʃənəl]

【評論主題】I ___ the cost of our new house at NT$10,000,000.(A) intimate(B) imitate(C) estate(D) estimate

【評論內容】intimate ['intimeit,'intimit]

【評論主題】She is a proponent of women's ___.(A) grief(B) liberation(C) statue(D) consideration

【評論內容】proponent [prə'pəunənt]

【評論主題】An efficient engine is ___ with fuel.(A) economic(B) economical(C) economics(D) economize

【評論內容】economic [ˌi:kə'nɔmik]

【評論主題】Carol ___ the bugs in her apartment. She killed them all.(A) exterminated(B) experienced(C) experime

【評論內容】exterminate [eks'tə:mineit]

【評論主題】The criminal was ___ by his guilty conscience.(A) hurt(B) haunted(C) hunted(D) halted

【評論內容】criminal ['kriminəl]

【評論主題】Her ___ towards friends is cold.(A) altitude(B) aptitude(C) attitude(D) gratitude

【評論內容】altitude ['æltitju:d]

【評論主題】We shouldn't let pleasure ___ with business.(A) interfere(B) interrupt(C) intercept(D) interfus

【評論內容】interfere [ˌintə'fiə]

【評論主題】The ___ opinion is against the new policy.(A) generate(B) general(C) gentle(D) generous

【評論內容】generous ['dʒenərəs]

【評論主題】He used credit cards whenever he went shopping and _____ got into serious debt.(A)personally (B)prev

【評論內容】sequentially [si'kwenʃəli]

【評論主題】【題組】12(A)so as to (B)only to (C)about to (D)in order to


【評論主題】Dan: I can't wait for 2010. It can't come too quick for me.Vincent: What's so special

【評論內容】mortgage ['mɔ:gidʒ]