

















【評論主題】12 __________ the author passed away twenty years ago, his stories live on.(A)Until (B)Because (C)Si

【評論內容】pass away 去世; 终止; 停止live .....看完整詳解



【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】Efficient(有效率的) people know how to make ______ of their time. (A)mostly (B)best useful (C)the most u

【評論內容】be used to +Ving 意爲“習慣於”,其中的 to 是介詞used to +V 意爲“過去經常”,其中的 to 是不定式符號

【評論主題】12 If an aeroplane, a ship, or a person is given _____, they are given official permission to enter

【評論內容】clearance 名词 (authorization) 许可

【評論主題】33 You _________ your father the truth then. That way, he wouldn’t be so angry with you now.(A) shou

【評論內容】should have用來談及過去沒做到,但依理本應做到的事:I shoul.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】As I walked through the town, I was _________ reminded of my childhood.(A)conservatively(B)constant

【評論內容】D ?? 當我走過這城市,於是我回憶起我的童年

【評論主題】24. R-L-C串聯諧振電路,若輸入電源之頻率小於諧振頻率,則電路呈現:(A)電感性 (B)電阻性 (C)零阻抗 (D)電容性




【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】5. 如圖【二】,求Rab值為多少? (A) 6Ω(B) 8Ω(C) 10Ω(D) 12Ω





【評論主題】10. 如圖【七】所示,3μF電容器儲存之能量為: (A)  0.6✖ 10 -3 焦耳(B)  1.2 ✖10 -3 焦耳(C) 2.4✖ 10-3 焦耳(D) 9.6✖ 10-3 焦耳


【評論主題】As I walked through the town, I was _________ reminded of my childhood.(A)conservatively(B)constant

【評論內容】D ?? 當我走過這城市,於是我回憶起我的童年

【評論主題】Beijing has limited foreign ownership of Chinese banks to 25%, and even that hasleft Mr. Hu ________

【評論內容】be vulnerab.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】Efficient(有效率的) people know how to make ______ of their time. (A)mostly (B)best useful (C)the most u

【評論內容】be used to +Ving 意爲“習慣於”,其中的 to 是介詞used to +V 意爲“過去經常”,其中的 to 是不定式符號

【評論主題】12 If an aeroplane, a ship, or a person is given _____, they are given official permission to enter

【評論內容】clearance 名词 (authorization) 许可

【評論主題】33 You _________ your father the truth then. That way, he wouldn’t be so angry with you now.(A) shou

【評論內容】should have用來談及過去沒做到,但依理本應做到的事:I should have been kinder to her.我那時應該對她好一點的。

【評論主題】1.Being a police officer is ____ to your family and country.(A) a honor (B) an honor (C) a honesty (

【評論內容】horror 恐怖, 震驚, 毛骨悚然honor    榮譽; 名譽, 面子

【評論主題】As I walked through the town, I was _________ reminded of my childhood.(A)conservatively(B)constant

【評論內容】D ?? 當我走過這城市,於是我回憶起我的童年

【評論主題】I went shopping with John yesterday. I bought two shirts. ___________ shirts, John also bought two p

【評論內容】except  除……以外(不包含)beside在 ……旁邊

【評論主題】【題組】 4.Can you help your mom_____(wash) the dishes?

【評論內容】last time 上一次