【評論主題】The police were __________ of the man's alibi because someone saw him near the crime scene.(A)

【評論內容】請問acd的意思 謝謝

【評論主題】The police were __________ of the man's alibi because someone saw him near the crime scene.(A)

【評論內容】請問acd的意思 謝謝

【評論主題】56、「林放問禮之本。子曰:『大哉問!禮,與其奢也,寧儉;喪,與其易也,寧戚。』」由此章可見禮的根本在何處?(A)隆重排場 (B)解釋範圍 (C)內在真誠 (D)實踐與否


【評論主題】The police were __________ of the man's alibi because someone saw him near the crime scene.(A)

【評論內容】請問acd的意思 謝謝

【評論主題】【題組】52.(A) they cook (B) cook (C) having cooked (D) they had cooked

【評論內容】請問各abcd的意思 謝謝


【評論內容】請問這題的中文翻譯 謝謝