【評論主題】二、請說明貓抓熱(Cat Scratch Disease)之病原簡介、傳染方式、臨床症狀及防治方法。(25分)

【評論內容】(A) LIFE VEST 救生衣 (B) BLANKET 毛毯 (C) SEAT BELT 安全帶 (D) LIFE RAFT 救生艇

【評論主題】二、請說明貓抓熱(Cat Scratch Disease)之病原簡介、傳染方式、臨床症狀及防治方法。(25分)

【評論內容】(A) LIFE VEST 救生衣 (B) BLANKET 毛毯 (C) SEAT BELT 安全帶 (D) LIFE RAFT 救生艇

【評論主題】50.A: Kathy, what do you do to stay in shape?B: I exercise a lot. Instead of getting around by bus o


A: Kathy, 你是如何保持身材的?

B: 我做很多運動。我用走路來取代搭公車和捷運。

A: ________________ 。


【評論主題】Deadly ______ have hit Tokyo, the capital of Japan, and drowned at least 3 people after torrential r

【評論內容】torrential rain 滂沱大雨

【評論主題】Passenger 1: Can you tell me where I can change my money?Passenger 2: ____________________________(A


【評論主題】5.accept(A) 接受(B) 返回(C) 拒絕(D) 記號

【評論內容】accept 接受return 返回.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】5.accept(A) 接受(B) 返回(C) 拒絕(D) 記號

【評論內容】accept 接受return 返回.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】Passenger 1: Can you tell me where I can change my money?Passenger 2: ____________________________(A






【評論主題】【題組】48 Which of the following is not true about AP courses?(A)They are offered in all schools.(B)The


If your high school doesn’t have all of these classes,

colleges and universities will consider this fact. 






【評論主題】11 下列何者不是屬於中央政府轄下的獨立機關之一?(A)國家通訊傳播委員會 (B)公務人員保障暨培訓委員會(C)公平交易委員會 (D)中央選舉委員會

【評論內容】政府再造/未來 14部8會3獨立機關  【聯合報╱記者林河名/台北報導】 2010.01.13 06:48 am  政府組織再造,終於跨步成功。立法院第七屆第四會期昨晚休會前,通過政府再造四法,現行「八部、二會」走入歷史,未來中央政府共有十四部、八會及三個獨立機關,將從民國一百零一年元旦開始施行。昨天並通過中央政府總員額法,將現行中央預算員額十九萬兩百人,「精簡」為中央機關總員額上限十七萬三千人。昨晚通過四法,共修正行政院組織法、中央政府機關組織法,以及新定中央政府機關總員額法及行政院組織功能與業務調整暫行條例。行政院組織法從民國卅八年來台沿用迄今,未做重大修正,早已不符時代潮流;民國七十六年起,研修行政院組織法,扁政...

【評論主題】39 A burglar _______my house yesterday, and took all my jewelry. I still could not figure out how th


A burglar ______ my house yesterday, and took all my jewelry.

I still could not figure out how the thief unlocked the door.


burglar 夜賊, 破門盜竊者

【評論主題】Deadly ______ have hit Tokyo, the capital of Japan, and drowned at least 3 people after torrential r

【評論內容】torrential rain 滂沱大雨

【評論主題】50.A: Kathy, what do you do to stay in shape?B: I exercise a lot. Instead of getting around by bus o


A: Kathy, 你是如何保持身材的?

B: 我做很多運動。我用走路來取代搭公車和捷運。

A: ________________ 。


【評論主題】Passenger 1: Can you tell me where I can change my money?Passenger 2: ____________________________(A







【評論主題】5.accept(A) 接受(B) 返回(C) 拒絕(D) 記號


accept 接受

return 返回

reject 拒絕

symbol 記號

【評論主題】_____ means driving a car after consuming too much alcohol.(A) Collision(B) Hit and run(C) Speeding(

【評論內容】consume 喝光;消耗;揮霍

【評論主題】40 Wiliam, you _____ for three hours already. It’s time you go out with some friends to relax.(A)are


Wiliam, you ________ for three hours already.

It’s time you go out with some friends to relax

【評論主題】12 The city now looks very artistic and refreshing because it is __________with many colorful and we


include 包含  vs  exclude 排除








【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵ 德士(Tex)


【評論主題】八、肉品燻煙的目的為何?(15 分)

【評論內容】chat with +人chat about / on +物