【評論主題】31 The prosecutor started inquiring into the cause of the fire and ______ the crime for several week


【評論主題】4. Johnny is not ________ with the payment of his current job, so he is looking for a new one.(A) co


【評論主題】2. Claire has started to exercise every day in order to have a ________ and healthy body.(A) dead (B



【評論內容】(B)「大眾運輸系統」,係服務於一都市內及其附廓衛星市鎮,並具有班次密、運量大及其費率與路線受政府管制之公共運輸系統。參考 張有恆 著《現代運輸學 二版 p.202》

【評論主題】6.The Taiwanese golfer won the championship in the professional golf ________.(A) banquet(B) acquisi



【評論內容】blame 在此解釋為「歸因」的意思