【評論主題】(  )4.They enjoy sitting on the ________ and watching the stars in the sky.(A) grass (B) ocean (C) p


【評論主題】(  )10.Tina lost her cellphone. It was a(n) ________ problem for her.(A) fresh (B) serious (C) lazy 


【評論主題】(  )1.We will get one day off because the ________ is coming.(A) typhoon (B) news (C) map (D) bridge


【評論主題】(  )18.The sun rises in the east and sets in the ________.(A) back (B) north (C) front (D) west


【評論主題】She ______________ Alice.(A) is (B) am (C) are (D) not


【評論主題】(  )4.They enjoy sitting on the ________ and watching the stars in the sky.(A) grass (B) ocean (C) p


【評論主題】(  )1.We will get one day off because the ________ is coming.(A) typhoon (B) news (C) map (D) bridge


【評論主題】(  )18.The sun rises in the east and sets in the ________.(A) back (B) north (C) front (D) west


【評論主題】8.Michael Phelps, an American swimmer, broke seven world records and won eight gold medals in men’s


【評論主題】My father is ___________ office worker. (A) one (B) an (C) a (D)╳

【評論內容】office [o] 為母音用an

【評論主題】Let’s ___________ to a movie. (A) goes (B) to go (C) go (D) going

【評論內容】Let's go 我們走吧 固定用法

【評論主題】She ______________ Alice.(A) is (B) am (C) are (D) not



【評論內容】jump down(片語):jump=跳down=下去

【評論主題】(  )4.They enjoy sitting on the ________ and watching the stars in the sky.(A) grass (B) ocean (C) p


【評論主題】(  )10.Tina lost her cellphone. It was a(n) ________ problem for her.(A) fresh (B) serious (C) lazy 


【評論主題】(  )18.The sun rises in the east and sets in the ________.(A) back (B) north (C) front (D) west


【評論主題】(  )1.We will get one day off because the ________ is coming.(A) typhoon (B) news (C) map (D) bridge


【評論主題】(  )38.________ of Jenny’s parents are farmers. They are very busy every day.(A) Most (B) Both (C) A


【評論主題】(  )26.Ms Yang: You should do your homework more ________. There were many mistakes in your homework


【評論主題】(  )29.Lisa usually has two      of toast for breakfast, but today she had only one.(A) pieces (B) c


【評論主題】(  )74.George: Why don’t you order the ________? It’s delicious. Hussein: I don’t eat beef.(A) beer 


【評論主題】(  )17.Honey, ________ is ringing the doorbell. Would you please answer it?(A) someone (B) other (C)


【評論主題】(  )18.Mom: I forgot to wake up Harry.Dad: It doesn’t ________. He has no school today.(A) boil (B)


【評論主題】(  )17.To stay ________, more and more people get up early and go jogging or hiking.(A) weak (B) fat

【評論內容】stay healthy 保持健康 固定用法

【評論主題】(  )62.Helen: How much did the brown jacket ________ you?Robin: NT$4,500.(A) sell (B) cost (C) spend


【評論主題】(  )9.All the students study hard because the _______ exam(考試)is coming in two days.(A) final (B) ca


【評論主題】(  )52.My uncle’s daughter is my _______.(A) aunt (B) son (C) grand daughter (D) cousin


【評論主題】(  )3.Paul ate too much for lunch, and now his ________ doesn’t feel well.(A) stomach (B) finger (C)


【評論主題】(  )49.My brothers are flying back from Singapore. I have to pick them up at the ________.(A) airpor


【評論主題】434domination (A) 人行道 (B) 合作 (C) (特定的)時刻;瞬間 (D) 統治;控制


domination (n.) 控制、統治

Her experience of men was of domination and brutality.男人給她的感受是支配一切,野蠻殘暴。



【評論主題】一、國字注音(每題1 分,共10 分)【題組】1.天「ㄌㄞˋ」之音


【評論主題】【題組】4.被盒懷寶〈 〉





【評論內容】priced 當動詞是給...定價的意思