【評論主題】721.Edvard Munch tried to convey his emotional ______ in his famous painting, The Scream.(A) visibil


(A) visibility 能見度(B) moisture 水分(C) intensity 強度(D) monument 紀念碑

【評論主題】720. Drug abuse poses a threat to people’s health. The government decides to set more strict rules t


(A) exclaim 驚呼(B) magnify 放大(C) witness 證人(D) regulate 規範

【評論主題】719.The editorial treated the political conflict between the two different political parties from a


(A) perspective 觀點(B) possession 佔有(C) portrait 畫像(D) prospect 展望

【評論主題】718.No matter what the ____ of the election is, the issue of human rights has been emphasized.(A) ou


(A) outline  大綱(B) underline 在..下畫線(C) outcome 結果(D) undermine 破壞

【評論主題】717.The infection of the virus might be _____ by casual contact such as shaking hands.(A) transforme


(A) transformed 轉變(B) transferred  轉讓(C) transmitted 發送,傳播(D) transported 運輸

【評論主題】716.After the shocking ____ of his scandal, the Prime Minister determined to resign.(A) revelation(B


(A) revelation 揭露(B) destination 目的地(C) violation 違規(D) registration 註冊

scandal 醜聞

【評論主題】715.The doctor regularly _____ the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure to ensure that he had sta


(A) inscribed 登記(B) monitored 監測(C) whispered 低聲說(D) populated 人口

【評論主題】714.The hijackers eventually ______ themselves to the police. The passengers and the staff were mira


(A) surrounded 包圍(B) swallowed  吞嚥(C) surrendered 投降(D) suspected 懷疑

【評論主題】713.The Copenhagen climate summit meeting aims to _____ some practical proposal to deal with the cri


(A)perceive 感知

(B)rehearse 排練

(C)suspend 暫停

(D)negotiate 談判

【評論主題】712.The washing machine comes with a 20-page instruction _____ which teaches you how to use it.(A) s


(A) surface 表面(B) manual 手冊(C) quotation 報價(D) tendency 傾向

【評論主題】711.His______ to Christianity aroused controversies among his Buddhist relatives.(A) coverage(B) con


(A) coverage 覆蓋範圍(B) conversion 改宗(C) counterpart 相應物,副本(D) conviction 確信,信仰

Christianity 基督教

【評論主題】710.In the museums, visitors can see histories and civilizations ______ in very systematic ways.(A)


(A) condensed 濃縮,縮短(B) declined 下降(C) deprived 剝奪(D) dedicated 奉獻


【評論主題】709.When it comes to marriage, many young people feel reluctant because they are afraid to give_____


(A) contradiction 否認(B) confession 招供,自認(C) commitment 委託 (D) bouquet 花束

【評論主題】6. The teacher was angry with the students because they ________ him and cut classes.(A) deceived (B

【評論內容】deceived被騙conceived 設想

【評論主題】22. The surgeon suggested that the patient ________ surgery to remove his tumor.(A) be undergone (B)
