【評論主題】Could you please open the window? The room is filled with the ______ smell of tobacco. It smells lik






【評論主題】The judge ordered the jury to ______ them due to the lack of evidence and proof. (A) admit (B) acqui



The jury found the prisoner guilty .                                                         


【評論主題】Could you please open the window? The room is filled with the ______ smell of tobacco. It smells lik






【評論主題】The judge ordered the jury to ______ them due to the lack of evidence and proof. (A) admit (B) acqui



The jury found the prisoner guilty .                                                         


【評論主題】【題組】38. The word “enactment” in line 17 is closest in meaning toA) establishment B) performance C) a


enact (v.)----enactment (n.)

1. to make into an act or statute 2. to establish by law; ordain or decree 3.

to represent or perform in or as if in a play; to act out


【評論主題】4. Harvard Business School is very influential. The school is a training ground for America’s busine

【評論內容】(C) guru原意為印度教的導師之意,所以可以解釋為導師或大師。

【評論主題】12. Education should _____ multiculturalism instead of fostering cookie-cutter conformity in a marat


(A) proscribe1.剝奪……的公權;放逐 2.禁止;排斥

(B) prostrate 弄倒;使屈服

(C) propagate 繁殖;使普及

(D) proceed 進行,開始

【評論主題】1. I have always been scared of height. As I looked down from the 5th floor of my office building, I

【評論內容】giddy 1.暈眩的、眼花的  2.輕率的、輕浮的

【評論主題】Could you please open the window? The room is filled with the ______ smell of tobacco. It smells lik






【評論主題】The judge ordered the jury to ______ them due to the lack of evidence and proof. (A) admit (B) acqui



The jury found the prisoner guilty . 
