【評論主題】【題組】50. What does the word excretion (line 10) mean?(A)vomiting(B)excursion(C)exclusion(D)emptying

【評論內容】excretion排泄vomiting嘔吐excursion遠足exclusion排除emptying排空(to remove everything from inside something)

【評論主題】【題組】48. It can be inferred from information in the passage that the existence in alpine regionsof Ha

【評論內容】開宗明義第一句aprocess that requires both a method of transport and an equivalence between the ecology ofthe source area and that of the recipient area除了要有傳播媒介,還要兩地生態相同.

【評論主題】【題組】40. (A)has to substitute (B)substitutes (C)has to be substituted(D)has been substituting

【評論內容】economic analysis has to be substituted  for the impersonal judgment of the marketplace經濟分析必須被市場的客觀判斷所取代

【評論主題】【題組】38. (A)charged for (B)put up with(C)turned down (D)voted against

【評論內容】Even a person who voted against military expenditures or did not pay any taxes will benefit from the protection provided.即使對軍事經費投反對票或未付任何稅金者均將受益於其所提供之保護

【評論主題】【題組】37. (A)holds back (B)holds forth (C)holds true(D)holds

【評論內容】hold true適用The same holds true for highway signs or aids to navigation.這同樣適用於公路標誌或導航設備。







【評論主題】( )13.高雄市國民中小學校務會議實施要點規定校務會議每學期至少需召開幾次?(A)1次(B)2次(C)3次(D)4次


【評論主題】73.老師輔導個案學生時,下列何項並非最佳的轉介時機? (A) 個案的困擾症狀超出輔導老師的能力 (B) 個案與輔導人員產生移情作用 (C) 個案對輔導人員提出不合理的要求或不信任時 (D) 個案在原

【評論內容】因故不能繼續給當事人諮商時,應予轉介。 a. 當事人自動要求結束諮商:若當事人自動要求結束諮商,而諮商師研判其需要繼續諮商時,諮商師應協調其他輔助資源,予以轉介。 b. 專業知能限制:若當事人的問題超越諮商師的專業能力,不能給予諮商時,應予轉介。c. 雙重關係的介入:若因雙重關係的介入而有影響諮商師的客觀判斷或對當事人有傷害之虞時,應予轉介。