【評論主題】5. The minister had to endure the _______ of being forced to resign.(A) ignominy (B) nationalism (C)

【評論內容】5. The minister had to endure the _______ of being forced to resign.這名部長得要忍受被迫下台的恥辱。

【評論主題】8. He launched into a long_______ against the lack of action in Congress.(A) negotiation (B) reconci

【評論內容】8. He launched into a long_______ against the lack of action in Congress.他開始長篇大論地抨擊參議院行動不力。(from Cambridge Dictionary)

【評論主題】6. The government faces_______ opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.(A) eligible (B) implacable

【評論內容】6. The government faces_______ opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.政府在核廢料的問題上面臨堅決的反對。

【評論主題】7. The defendant was_______ that he was innocent.(A) disgraceful (B) irritable (C) pious (D) adamant

【評論內容】7. The defendant was_______ that he was innocent.被告堅持他是無罪的

【評論主題】4. She wears short skirts and dyes her hair pink, which looks_______ on a woman aged 50.(A) credible

【評論內容】4. She wears short skirts and dyes her hair pink, which looks_______ on a woman aged 50.她穿著短裙並且染一頭粉紅色的頭髮,在一個年已半載的女人身上看上去很可笑。

【評論主題】8. He launched into a long_______ against the lack of action in Congress.(A) negotiation (B) reconci

【評論內容】8. He launched into a long_______ against the lack of action in Congress.他開始長篇大論地抨擊參議院行動不力。(from Cambridge Dictionary)

【評論主題】7. The defendant was_______ that he was innocent.(A) disgraceful (B) irritable (C) pious (D) adamant

【評論內容】7. The defendant was_______ that he was innocent.被告堅持他是無罪的

【評論主題】6. The government faces_______ opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.(A) eligible (B) implacable

【評論內容】6. The government faces_______ opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.政府在核廢料的問題上面臨堅決的反對。

【評論主題】5. The minister had to endure the _______ of being forced to resign.(A) ignominy (B) nationalism (C)

【評論內容】5. The minister had to endure the _______ of being forced to resign.這名部長得要忍受被迫下台的恥辱。

【評論主題】4. She wears short skirts and dyes her hair pink, which looks_______ on a woman aged 50.(A) credible

【評論內容】4. She wears short skirts and dyes her hair pink, which looks_______ on a woman aged 50.她穿著短裙並且染一頭粉紅色的頭髮,在一個年已半載的女人身上看上去很可笑。

【評論主題】4. Could it be there is a single______to all of those problems you described?(A)solution(B) example(

【評論內容】(A) solution 解決方法(B) example 例子(C) resolution 解析度;決心(D) explanation 解釋選(A) solution 題目翻譯: 有可能有單獨一個方式來解決你描述所有你描述的那些問題嗎?

【評論主題】17. The higher the standard of living and the greater the national wealth, the________.(A)greater is

【評論內容】這題選(D)是因為前後皆為名詞片語The 比較級 +名詞, the 比較級 +名詞

【評論主題】【題組】21. (A) represent (B) elicit (C) freeze (D) involve


(A) represent 代表

(B) elicit 引出、引誘

(C) freeze 凍結

(D) involve 涉入、包含

【評論主題】4. The police_______ the suspect’s faces closely, trying to figure out who was lying and whowas inno


(A) undermine 損害、削弱

(B) aggravate 惡化、加重

(C) scrutinize 仔細審視

(D) intimidate 恐嚇

【評論主題】2. After working for years, the promising young lady has become fully matured andemerged from her __

【評論內容】(A) chrysalis  蛹、繭(B) levity 消遣、輕鬆的一刻(C) paradigm 典範(D) reimbursement 補償

【評論主題】3. In the past, men’s penchant for makeup made them _________; however, skincareproducts have turned

【評論內容】(A) anomaly 異常的人(或事物)(B) charlatan 江湖郎中、冒充內行的人、騙子(C) swindler 騙子、詐騙犯(D) tyro 初學者、新手

【評論主題】05. To get rid of her weight, the heaviest teenager in England, Malissa Jones, underwent a gastric _


gastric bypass surgery 胃繞道手術

【評論主題】01. After hitting the iceberg, the captain ordered to ______ the ship before it completely sank. (A)


(C) preclude (v.) 排除、阻礙 to prevent sth. or make it impossible

【評論主題】04. He kept a ________ hold on the rope the rescue workers were using to pull him out of the cavern.


nubile (adj.) a woman who is nubile is young and sexually attractive

【評論主題】07. Professor Smith was glad to ________ the topic he lectured on in class to us. (A)sully(B) elucid


diverge (v.) (道路)出現岔路;出現分歧

【評論主題】We felt disgusted with the governor’s ________ mishandling of the hostage crisis; he was virtually i


(A) indomitably 不屈不撓地(B) grossly 極其、非常 = extremely(C) svelte 苗條的、修長的(D) emollient 護膚的

【評論主題】Whenever she spots the man she secretly adores, she ________ a look of indifference,as is very usual

【評論內容】(A) feign 假裝、裝作(B) assuage 減緩、緩和(C) lure 引誘(D) prod 戳刺;督促 prod sb. into Ving

【評論主題】15. The _____ of the unfair law was urged by all political parties as well as the public in the coun


(D) rescission 為 rescind 撤銷 的名詞

【評論主題】6. Many of the major supermarket chains have come under fire with _____ ofvarious unethical acts ove

【評論內容】(A) acclamation 稱譽;讚★(☆) ...

【評論主題】5. Language acquisition in an immersion program closely mimics the natural learningcurve for a first

【評論內容】(A) assimilate 同化;融入(☆) ...

【評論主題】4. Literacy activities occur and are _____ purposefully within content areas such asart, music, and

【評論內容】(A) ascend 上升;晉升(B) ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】3. Family members must be involved in the treatment of childhood anxiety disorder,because changes in

【評論內容】(A) foster 收養(子女);培養(★★)(☆) ...

【評論主題】2. In classrooms, teachers can write _____ notes recording their observations ofstudents - behaviors

【評論內容】(A) verifiable (adj.) ★★★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】1. When we concentrate on the structure and ordering of components within asentence, we are studying

【評論內容】(A) morphology 構詞學 (...

【評論主題】【題組】19. If you want to redecorate the house, I suggest that you merge some (A.)of the five rooms.The

【評論內容】(E) 的room在此為不可數名詞,意思★「★★...

【評論主題】文法改錯【題組】18. When Keiko, the killer whale (A.)starring in the 1993 movie Free Willy(B.) ,  was set fr

【評論內容】此題考nor 的用法nor 為連接詞,因★★★★...

【評論主題】17. One of the most important ______________ of a successful business transaction is thatboth partie

【評論內容】(A) prerogative 特權(B) ...

【評論主題】15. From the way the rooms were ransacked, we can ______________ that the burglar hadbeen inside the

【評論內容】(A) produce 製造;生產(B) ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】14. Most students who work hard will eventually see results _____ with their efforts.(A) essential (

【評論內容】(A) essential (adj.) ★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】10. The coach’s pre-game pep talk has obviously elevated the morale of the teamsignificantly. They p

【評論內容】put up a (good) figh☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】9. Mary is meticulous ____ her appearance. She always wears perfect makeup and dressessmartly.(A) of

【評論內容】meticulous (嚴謹的;一絲不苟★) ...

【評論主題】6. The tourist _____ so much luggage.(A) is inconvenient to carry (B) finds inconvenient carrying(C)

【評論內容】本題考虛主詞/虛受詞的用法。It is  ...

【評論主題】4. Please don’t be mistaken. I don’t mean _____ your conversation.(A) overhearing (B) to overhear (C

【評論內容】mean to VR 的意思為「打算、有★(★)...」...

【評論主題】2. The district board _____ people from all walks of people.(A) comprise (B) comprises (C) is compri

【評論內容】本題考「由...組成」的用法A (整體) ...

【評論主題】II. Cloze (8%) Legoland California is delivering an abundance of marine life—more than 1,000 sea ani

【評論內容】(A) disseminate 傳播、散播(B) encroach 侵犯、侵蝕(C) allocate 分配(D) populate 居住於

【評論主題】4. The twins' heredity and upbringing were identical in nearly every respect, yet one child rem

【評論內容】choleric 易怒的 (very angry or easily annoyed)

【評論主題】2. While the instructor claimed his comments were __________ to a mild warning, his studentsrecogniz


(A) tantamount to 等同於; scathing 嚴厲批評的

(B) equivalent  等同的;embrocation (用於緩解肌肉疼痛或僵硬的)擦劑

(C) maladroit 笨拙的、不熟練的;inimical 有害的、有限制性的

(D) reticulate 網狀的;circumpect 慎重的、小心謹慎的

【評論主題】1. Only someone with incredible ________ is likely to find __________ in a potentially disastrouscon


(A) 應為faux pas 失禮、失言; topiary 樹木造景藝術

(B) dichotomy 二分法; guerdon 酬勞、獎賞

(C) erudition 博學; morass 沼澤、困境

(D) sanguinity 樂觀、樂天; serendipity 機緣、偶然發現的事物

*contretemps (n.) pl. 口角、衝突

【評論主題】21. Many of the fields were disregarded ______ the decline of the local agricultural industry.(A) du


disregard (v.) 忽視、漠視

【評論主題】40.______ lots of money to the kidnapper, David hoped to see his daughter return safely.(A) Pay (B)


【評論主題】39. If I______ you, I would not make the same decision.(A) am (B) are (C) were (D) be


【評論主題】38. Excuse me. Can you tell me______ ?(A) the post office is where (B) the post office where is(C) w


【評論主題】37. Ten years______ very long for any person in an unhappy marriage.(A) is (B) are (C) be (D) can

【評論內容】Ten years 為時間視為單數,因此...

【評論主題】36. Those teenagers were______ loud and noisy in the late night that some neighbors called the polic

【評論內容】本題考so adj. / adv. th☆☆ ★★★,...

【評論主題】35. The average ______of a movie is roughly between 90 and 110 minutes.(A) height (B) length (C) vol

【評論內容】(A) height 高度(B) len☆☆☆ ★★(........

【評論主題】34. Just as we can’t decide a book’s worth by its cover, we shouldn’t______ a person by his or her a

【評論內容】(A) tickle 發癢(B) req☆☆☆☆ ★........

【評論主題】33. With a history of over 300 years, glove puppetry has been one of the______ arts in China and Tai

【評論內容】(A) traditional 傳統的(☆) ...

【評論主題】32. Because of the thunderstorm, there’ll be a two-hour______ for the take-off of our flight.(A) lea

【評論內容】(A) leave (n.) 休假(B) ☆☆☆☆☆ ★★(...

【評論主題】31. In fishing, you need to be______ enough to wait for hours in order to catch a big one.(A) patien

【評論內容】(A) patient 有耐心的(B) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】四、閱讀測驗(一)Dear Lucy,           I haven’t heard from you since we graduated fromsenior high school. Lo

【評論內容】(A) Susan comes to T☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】36. Anna: ______that tall boy? Bill: Oh, he is my cousin, Alan.(A) What’s (B) Who’s (C) How’s(D) Who

【評論內容】由Bill 的回答為身份可知要用到疑問詞...

【評論主題】1. Clark: Is your mom a nurse?  May:           She works(工作) in the hospital.(A)Thank you.(B)That’s

【評論內容】(A) Thank you. 謝謝你。(☆) ☆☆☆☆'☆ ...

【評論主題】Dad: Good morning, honey. Mom: Good morning. Dad:  (4)  is our son?Mom: He is sleeping in his room. 

【評論內容】由He is sleeping in h☆☆ ☆☆☆☆. (...

【評論主題】4.A: _____ is Johnny Lin from? B: He is from Taiwan. He is my favorite player.(A) Who (B) How old (C

【評論內容】此題目考疑問詞的用法從B: He is ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】1.Charlie’s parents, _____, are from the USA.(A) Mr. Brown (B) Mrs. Brown(C) Mr. and Mrs. (D) Mr. an


【評論主題】26.___ the books on the table from that famous writer?(A)Is(B)Where are(C)Aren’t(D)How

【評論內容】由複數可知要用複數動詞,可刪去 (A) ☆☆...

【評論主題】26. 已知-1≤ x<5,若y=2+3x,則y的範圍為何?(A)-1≤ y<14  (B) -5≤ y<17 (C) -1≤ y<17  (D) 3 ≤ y<21


【評論主題】The tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. On a local,national, and


depletion 意思為 「減少」

(A) reduction 減少

(B) malfunction 失靈、故障

(C) acquisition 獲得

(D) capacity 能力

【評論主題】【題組】38.Who would join a costume party?(A) Jenny. She is good at playing the guitar.(B) Josh. He is a

【評論內容】由題目可知costume party 主...

【評論主題】七、閱讀測驗       " I'm going to drive to London at night, "Miss Chen said to her sister.

【評論內容】題目翻譯: 陳小姐大約花了多少時間開車到...

【評論主題】32.Ricky: Are there five candles on the cake? Cathy:__________.(A) Yes, there is. (B) No, there aren

【評論內容】本題考there is / are 表示★★★★。...

【評論主題】11. The dance party is _______ February 1. (A) by (B) in (C) at (D) on


【評論主題】【題組】15. (A) by far (B) on top (C) in turn (D) at hand

【評論內容】(A) by far 顯然、大大地 (B) ☆☆ ☆☆☆...

【評論主題】【題組】13. (A) to give (B) give (C) giving (D) given

【評論內容】given 可以當作介係詞,表示考慮到、...

【評論主題】【題組】12. (A) Since (B) While (C) Unless (D) If

【評論內容】While 在此表示雖然或表示對比的意思,...

【評論主題】10. The Hytex Hotel, in _____ with the organizers of the annual film festival, is offering a package

【評論內容】(A) relation 關係 (in ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】8. In order to operate _____ in today’s business environment, our company must reward the creativity

【評論內容】(A) completely 完整地(B) ...

【評論主題】5. The detective _____ the solving of this case to an anonymous phone call the police received a few

【評論內容】(A) accuse 控告(B) app☆☆☆☆ ★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】2. People tend to feel unhappy because someone has something that they like but do not have; however

【評論內容】(A) jealousy 嫉妒(B) c☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】9. John: Is there a horse _______ the house?  Patty: No. I don’t think so.(A) near (B) between (C) f

【評論內容】本題考介係詞的用法(A) near 附近(☆) ...

【評論主題】【題組】12.(A) year old (B) years old(C) old  (D) years

【評論內容】How old ...? 是詢問年齡的疑★★。...

【評論主題】【題組】45. (A) guilty (B) tattoo (C) logo (D) motto


(A) guilty (adj.) ★★★ 

(☆) ...

【評論主題】【題組】30. Which of the following words has a similar meaning with the word, “tremendous”?(A) customary

【評論內容】tremendous (adj.) 巨大★ (☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】22. Is there               ?(A) my book bag in the living room(B) the cute cat on the sofa(C) any ca

【評論內容】There is 後面不能為定冠詞或所有★,...

【評論主題】【題組】35. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman changed the sexist law and allowedwomen to drive cars. Why

【評論內容】從文章中此句可知Crown Prince ...

【評論主題】題組(一) Europe didn't grow many potatoes this summer. This means French fries will be3cm shorter


【評論主題】【題組】28. Mike buys(買) a sandwich and a glass of juice fordinner, and he wants to eat at home. How muc

【評論內容】此題要注意he wants to eat ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】10. ( )Dad ________ busy in the morning. He ________ to work on time.(A)is always; goes seldom (B)al

【評論內容】此題考頻率副詞的位置。頻率副詞出現在 B☆...

【評論主題】9. ( )I never have cola for lunch, but my brother and sister ________.(A)have often (B)often do (C)o


【評論主題】48.~ 50.                                  A School Where Students Set the Rules Imagine a school whe

【評論內容】注意題目為NOT do 其他選項可從文章★★:...

【評論主題】12. ( ) Which is true?(A) The students haven’t known each other, have they?(B) They didn’t enjoy the

【評論內容】(A) 學生不認識彼此,是嗎?(B) 他...

【評論主題】二、閱讀測驗(請選出一個最適合的答案 28%)【題組】27. (A) watch (B) watched (C) watching (D) to watch

【評論內容】本題考現在完成式 have / has + ☆☆.☆. (...

【評論主題】28. A:Have you _____your homework yet? B:Yes, I’ve already finished it.(A) do (B) did (C) done (D) d

【評論內容】此題目考的是現在完成式 have/has + ☆☆....

【評論主題】1. Clark: Is your mom a nurse?  May:           She works(工作) in the hospital.(A)Thank you.(B)That’s

【評論內容】(A) Thank you. 謝謝你。(☆) ☆☆☆☆'☆ ...

【評論主題】4.A: _____ is Johnny Lin from? B: He is from Taiwan. He is my favorite player.(A) Who (B) How old (C

【評論內容】此題目考疑問詞的用法從B: He is ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】38.Who would join a costume party?(A) Jenny. She is good at playing the guitar.(B) Josh. He is a

【評論內容】由題目可知costume party 主...