【評論主題】7. John bent the rule to his own advantage. What hedid was an act from ____ rather than from princip

【評論內容】homogeneity 同質   saturaation 浸透

【評論主題】7. John bent the rule to his own advantage. What hedid was an act from ____ rather than from princip

【評論內容】homogeneity 同質   saturaation 浸透

【評論主題】Andrew Agassi, the retired tennis champion, speaks with exceptional ____ in his autobiography about

【評論內容】upheaval 動亂        molecule 分子     placebo安慰劑     candor坦率

【評論主題】Andrew Agassi, the retired tennis champion, speaks with exceptional ____ in his autobiography about

【評論內容】upheaval 動亂        molecule 分子     placebo安慰劑     candor坦率

【評論主題】8. Not having the heart to _____ his parents’ pride of their only son, Kevin gave up hisdream of pla

【評論內容】truncate --(木頭)切去;截短;縮短(文章)annihilate--殲滅

【評論主題】5. Some developing countries such as Brazil and Venezuela are facing the _____ ofstruggling between

【評論內容】crotchet 反覆無常 rancor 仇恨

【評論主題】9. While many of us take potable water for granted, it is notable that some areas do sufferfrom a __


【評論主題】3. We are all susceptible to a ________ feeling after a heavy meal.(A) senile (B) cogent (C) intrins

【評論內容】senile老邁的    intrinsic內在的

【評論主題】2. Slim and graceful, clad in a black cheongsam, she wooed, wowed and chastisedher spell-bound liste


【評論主題】7. John bent the rule to his own advantage. What hedid was an act from ____ rather than from princip

【評論內容】homogeneity 同質   saturaation 浸透

【評論主題】Andrew Agassi, the retired tennis champion, speaks with exceptional ____ in his autobiography about

【評論內容】upheaval 動亂        molecule 分子     placebo安慰劑     candor坦率

【評論主題】Possession of wealth that was not _____ with one's earnings has been criminalizedunder the new

【評論內容】recalcitrant 頑強的  corporeal 肉體的

【評論主題】The Treaty of Versailles, which concluded World War I, was deliberately ________,imposing tremendous


【評論主題】1、 近日勒索病毒猖狂,防不勝防。試說明勒索病毒其綁架原理(3%)以及為何近乎沒有自行還原檔案的方法(3%)。

【評論內容】far from being dead 表示利他主義和死亡有天壤之別

【評論主題】1、 近日勒索病毒猖狂,防不勝防。試說明勒索病毒其綁架原理(3%)以及為何近乎沒有自行還原檔案的方法(3%)。

【評論內容】cognition-認知   cosmology-宇宙論pugilism-拳擊  appendix--附錄

【評論主題】Housing was in crisis. The government cannot _____ its responsibility; otherwise, predict theNationa

【評論內容】realtor (N)房地產經濟人

【評論主題】10. According to the modern physics, it seems it would be impossible for anything in the universe to


【評論主題】An environmental group, backed by six Democratic senators, filed suit against the Bush administratio

【評論內容】file  (V) 歸檔    suit (N)  訴訟