【評論主題】40. ____________ vigorously from the enormous ice sheets in North America and Europe, thoseicebergs

【評論內容】40. ____________ vigorously from the enormous ice sheets in North America and Europe, those icebergs displaced enough water to raise the global sea level.

【評論主題】32. He has a sincere look in his eyes as he ____________ describes all the wonders this new electron


(A) furiously  火大地(B) impatiently  沒耐性地(C) enthusiastically 熱切地(D) unwillingly 不情願地

【評論主題】31. Steve Jobs once said “stay hungry, stay foolish”, which means that we should be hungry for______


(A) knowledge 知識(B) grocery  雜貨(C) luggage   行李(D) internet  網路

【評論主題】They made thetreacherousjourney across stormy seas in rotten boats.(A) perilous(B) ultimate(C) extra

【評論內容】treacherous 變幻莫測的  危險的

【評論主題】1. Food safety has become one of the major worries in Taiwan. After the tainted oil scandal,tofu was

【評論內容】contaminated 受毒害的concatenated  連鎖的

【評論主題】【題組】40. What is the author‟s tone in the last sentence of the passage?(A) Ungrateful. (B)Pessimistic

【評論內容】pessimistic 悲觀的 gloomy 陰沉的


【評論內容】emaciate 使消瘦,使憔悴


【評論內容】erode 腐蝕;侵蝕;磨損extol  讚  美


【評論內容】pathetic 引起憐憫的;可憐的;可悲的wretched  不幸的,可憐的

【評論主題】They made thetreacherousjourney across stormy seas in rotten boats.(A) perilous(B) ultimate(C) extra

【評論內容】treacherous 變幻莫測的  危險的