【評論主題】20. There was a misunderstanding about a trifle, and I had to resign.(A) thing of little value (B) t

【評論內容】trifle = thing of little value(瑣碎小事) ,答案應為A

【評論主題】19. We've never seen the ritual of the Catholic Church.(A) ceremony (B) beauty (C) greatness (D

【評論內容】ritual = ceremony (儀式) ,答案應為A

【評論主題】18. The king is liked by everyone in his realm.(A) family (B) royalty (C) country (D) hometown

【評論內容】realm = country (國家) 答案應為C

【評論主題】14. His political zeal prevented us from having a quiet discussion.(A) eagerness (B) sensitivity (C)

【評論內容】zeal = eagerness (熱情) 答案應為A

【評論主題】8. The probability of the strike ending before the tourist season is not high.(A) identity (B) hypot

【評論內容】probability = likelihood(可能性) 答案應為D

【評論主題】7. The terrier was kind of short with long, black hair.(A) somewhat (B) anyhow (C) somehow (D) howev

【評論內容】kind of = somewhat(稍微;有點) 答案應為A

【評論主題】4. A botanist can identify a flower by its shape and its scent.(A) name (B) size (C) smell (D) color


【評論主題】2. The reporter wondered how impartial the decision really was.(A) unprejudiced (B) narrow (C) one-s

【評論內容】impartial與unprejudiced(公正的)同義 答案應為A

【評論主題】1. The hostile manner ofthe woman caused the committee to reconsider the issue.(A) stubborn (B) anta


【評論主題】2. Getting into shape through dancing is much more fun than _____ on a treadmill.(A) sitting (B) bea

【評論內容】在跑步機(treadmill)跑步(running) 答案應該是D