【評論主題】23.依憲法規定,立法院不得對何種事項進行議決?(A)法律案 (B)預算案 (C)決算案 (D)媾和案


【評論主題】37 Chuang Tzu’s ____ are famous in Chinese culture, both as works of intrinsic literary merit and as

【評論內容】anecdotes軼事. chronicles編年史 errands差遣. parable

【評論主題】33 Emily has such a charismatic personality that she’s the sort of person who _____ in a crowd.(A) p

【評論內容】stand out 醒目/突出 make out 開出/辨認出

【評論主題】【題組】49. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “enthusiast” in the fourth paragrap

【評論內容】fanatic 宗教狂熱者,adversary 對手敵人,enthusiast 狂熱者

【評論主題】【題組】44. (A) sell (B) send (C) give (D) call

【評論內容】sell yourself 自我推薦/推銷自己

【評論主題】19.我國政府於2009年發放之消費券,是屬於何種政策? (A)擴張性財政政策 (B)擴張性貨幣政策 (C)緊縮性財政政策 (D)緊縮性貨幣政策。


【評論主題】65. A: Emma is a very considerate girl. She also likes to help people. B: __________________________

【評論內容】C的意思: 有志者事竟成

【評論主題】【題組】13. What does the word “marsupials” refer to?(A) Koalas. (B) Eucalyptus. (C) Zoologists. (D) Aca

【評論內容】marsupial 有袋動物 eucalyptus 尤加利樹 acacia 洋槐/阿拉伯橡樹

【評論主題】【題組】 (3)若病人之腎功能降為原來之 50%,則病人之藥物靜脈輸注速率須調整為多少才能維持穩定態之藥物濃度仍為 10 μg/mL。(6 分)
