【評論主題】【題組】38 Why is the Internet boom similar to the gold rush in the US during the 1800s?(A) They both st


Why is the Internet boom similar to the gold rush in the US during the 1800s?



(A) They both started in California. 他們都來自加利福尼亞-->沒提到(B) Many people made a lot of money through both of them.

許多人透過這兩個賺很多錢(沒提到)(C) They both have become a powerful force in communication and business.他們在溝通與經濟上很有力量-->沒提到

(D) There’s much misleading information on how to get rich quick.-->有很多關於如何快速致富的誤導性信息

(正確)Since the early 1990s, the Internet has become a powerful force in both communication and business. Some people have compared the Internet business boom with the gold rush thinking in the US in the 1800s. And like the gold rush of that time, there has been a lot of exaggeration and oversimplification about how easy it is to “get rich quick.”關於“快速致富”的容易程度,有很多誇大和過分簡化的說法。


「1800s」 也是指80年代嗎?答案也是否定的。寫成 「1800」 加上小寫字母 「s」 的這個表達讀作 「the eighteen hundreds」,它多指19世紀,也就是1800年至1899年的這段時間。不過,在這裡需要提醒大家的是,也有人把 「the eighteen hundreds」 這段時間定義為19世紀的頭十年,也就是1800年到1809年的這段時間。


【評論主題】【題組】49 According to the passage, what was the name of the spacecraft?(A) Apollo 11 (B) Boeing 777 (C


【評論主題】【題組】50 According to the passage, what happened when the astronauts went back to the earth?(A) They s

【評論內容】50 According to th☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆, ...

【評論主題】【題組】48 According to the passage, how many people walked on the moon in this journey?(A) Two (B) Thre


【評論主題】【題組】40. (A) However (B) For example(C) What’s more (D) On the other hand


【題組】40.(A) However 然而(B) For example 例如(C) What’s more 除此之外(說明更多好處)(D) On the other hand 另一方面

what’s more

除此之外、此外的英文也可以說 what’s more。what’s more 就是「what is more」的縮寫,如果是用在過去式的話,則可以用「what was more」來表示。相較於 furthermore 和 moreover 來說,what’s more 是比較常在口語上用到的用法。而 what’s more 除了指此外,還有更深層的意思,指「更重要的是」,用來引出你接下來要講的內容,並用這些資訊來支持和強調你的論點


【評論主題】【題組】48. What is “having empathy”?(A) I know: It’s not my business. (B) I know: I don’t want to be yo


3. Accompany victims. Having empathy is the key to helping victims out, and try to put yourself in others’ shoes.We should always do something to stop bullying and make our school a happy place to study in.

【題組】48. What is “having empathy”?

什麼是有同理心呢?(設身處地為別人著想)(A) I know: It’s not my business. (這不關我的事)(B) I know: I don’t want to be your partner. (我不想當你的同伴)(C) I know: You look bad in green. (你穿綠色不好看)(D) I know: You feel sad.(你覺得難過)--正確!!

【評論主題】【題組】41. If something has caught on, _____.(A) it is popular (B) it is less expensive (C) many people


Blogs have also caught on here in Taiwan. Most bloggers are young people. They write about their school life or fashion. Blogs are a great way to share ideas.


【評論主題】13.In Taiwan, August is usually______ than October.(A) hot (B) hottest (C) hotter (D) most hot

【評論內容】In Taiwan, August is ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆...


【評論內容】台鐵1.067為窄軌(低於標準軌為窄軌) 標準軌為1.435 大於1.435為寬軌

【評論主題】50 請問下列何種運具是副大眾運輸的一種?(A)公共汽車(B)輕軌運輸(C)大眾捷運系統(D)計程車

【評論內容】低運量運輸工具(副大眾運輸) 如:計程車,隨招或隨停公車

【評論主題】主席說的話有道理,因此大夥都同意他的提議。What the chairman says __90__, so we all agree to his proposal.

【評論內容】看不到最佳解 有人可以再次分享嗎

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