【評論主題】32 _____ the driving habits of the two groups of drivers, the researcher hopes to find out ways to e

【評論內容】參考 http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q143529048.htm

【評論主題】32 _____ the driving habits of the two groups of drivers, the researcher hopes to find out ways to e



Compared with his room, my room is even smaller. 句子的主語是my room,所以用被動。我的房子被比較。

Comparing his room, I find my room is even smalle. 主語是I 所以用主動。我進行比較這個動作。注意沒有with.


Compare...with 的用法

compare a with b --a is compared with b.  沒有Comparing with 

【評論主題】28 A juvenile _____ in the United States is a person who is typically under the age of 17 and commit

【評論內容】juvenile= young, youthful 年輕的;少年的;未成熟的juvenile delinquent 少年(罪)犯 delinquent (a.) 怠忽職守的;拖欠的;犯法的

【評論主題】26 With a search _____ , police officers may search a residence without its owner’s consent.(A)warra

【評論內容】search warrant 搜索票   consent=allowance, granting, approval(A) warrant 搜索令;批准;理由(+for);委任書;證明(B) guarantee 保證書;起保證作用的事物;抵押品;保證人(C) certificate  證明書;(沒有學位的)結業證書;單據;證券

【評論主題】若可接受的步行時間為15 分鐘,則可接受的接運距離約為(以一般人的步行速度估計): (A)1,000 公尺  (B)700 公尺  (C)500 公尺  (D)300 公尺

【評論內容】一般人步行速度約 1m/s,也就是每分鐘60m,故15(m) x 60(m/min)=900(m),而選項A 最為接近