【評論主題】2 v. to give to for safekeeping; to empower someone with a responsibility or duty(A) entrust (B) enr


empower 授權、允許、使能夠

【評論主題】2 conj. since; inasmuch as; while; while on the contrary(A) whereas (B) unless (C) though (D) direct


inasmuch 因…之故 , 因為

【評論主題】3 v. to toss or dump garbage in an unauthorized place; to scatter objects in disorder(A) cover (B) i


ignore 忽視

concoct 編造

litter 廢棄物

【評論主題】2 conj. since; inasmuch as; while; while on the contrary(A) whereas (B) unless (C) though (D) direct


inasmuch 因…之故 , 因為

【評論主題】2 v. to give to for safekeeping; to empower someone with a responsibility or duty(A) entrust (B) enr


empower 授權、允許、使能夠

【評論主題】3 v. to toss or dump garbage in an unauthorized place; to scatter objects in disorder(A) cover (B) i


ignore 忽視

concoct 編造

litter 廢棄物

【評論主題】8.下列何者是用以簡化線段的演算方法?(A) Dijkstra (B) Douglas-Peucker (C) Huffmann (D) Thiessen

【評論內容】道格拉斯-普克算法 是將曲線近似表示為一系列點,並減少點的數量的一種算法。

【評論主題】10 n. principal pipe or duct in a system; chief part of something; strength or force; high sea(A) ma


principal (adj.) 主要的、領頭的

【評論主題】2 v. to give to for safekeeping; to empower someone with a responsibility or duty(A) entrust (B) enr


empower 授權、允許、使能夠

【評論主題】7 n. this being the case; since (used in formal documents)(A) esteem (B) stationery (C) whereas (D)a


(A) esteem 尊重、尊敬

(C) whereas 鑑於;反之

(D) acquaintance 相識

【評論主題】3 v. to toss or dump garbage in an unauthorized place; to scatter objects in disorder(A) cover (B) i


ignore 忽視

concoct 編造

litter 廢棄物

【評論主題】6 adj. able to be carried out; achievable; possible; likely(A) feasible (B) intermittent (C) impatie


impatient 急躁的

prepaid 充值的

【評論主題】2 conj. since; inasmuch as; while; while on the contrary(A) whereas (B) unless (C) though (D) direct


inasmuch 因…之故 , 因為

【評論主題】9 adj. chief; leading; main; principal(A) motive (B) head (C) cohesive (D) creative


principal (adj.) 主要的

【評論主題】1 adj. characteristic of a capital city; sophisticated(A) vivid (B) metropolitan (C) pertinent (D)an


vivid 生動、活潑

pertinent 貼切的、中肯的

annoying 使人煩惱的、討厭的

【評論主題】33. Our manager ________ from his position yesterday because he needed more time to take care of his
